Hello, currently, we our server is run with docker...
# support
Hello, currently, we our server is run with docker-compose, and we are using fluentd to collect all the logs from each server instance and push it to the log management server that we have set up. So, I was thinking to use sigNoz here, so what is the ideal way that we start using the SignNoz for our setup.
Hey @User what tech stack/language are your applications written? If auto instrumentation is supported, you don't need code level changes but add some more libraries in your applications
All our microservices are written in GO, currently, we are using fluentd logging driver to collect logs from all our microservice, we're are also running a fluentd agent in each server which is pushing the logs to configured central log storage.
So I was thinking, for all the powerful features SigNoz is bringing, can we use the SigNoz.
We are not suing any recent frameworks in like gin or echo, but a simple lightweight - "github.com/ant0ine/go-json-rest/rest"