I've got everything working since my last post her...
# support
I've got everything working since my last post here, however I have one big issue, has anyone figured out some sort of login, authentication or anything that wont let anyone use the frontend
I think Im just going to do something iptables
however you guys should seriously look into some sort of user password deal, even a primitive one. A security theater is better than no security
Thanks for the input @User We have already included this in our next tasks to pick up -https://github.com/SigNoz/signoz/projects/2 We plan to ship this in the next 2-3 weeks
If you have any specific inputs on this - can you add in this issue - https://github.com/SigNoz/signoz/issues/625
I dont have any specific request however I am glad to see it being done soon enough
hey @Onur Yikilmazoglu the login + auth feature is shipped now in this release - https://github.com/SigNoz/signoz/releases/tag/v0.8.0 Do check it out and let us know of any feedback
👍 1
sorry I dont really use slack so I just saw your message and wow. its been a while since I used signoz for work and the program has gone under a metamorphosis since I last used it. very pleased!
🙂 Would love it if have any feedback or want to give it a try again