I run `kubectl describe pvc` for all the pvc and ...
# support
I run
kubectl describe pvc
for all the pvc and I got the same message
FailedBinding  23s (x903 over 3h45m)  persistentvolume-controller  no persistent volumes available for this claim and no storage class is set
Hey @User ! It looks like there is no default storage class available, which is assumed in our chart when no cloud configuration is set. In most of the cloud providers or lightweight local k8s wrappers, there would be a default storage class set. Default storage class is chosen when none is mentioned for pvc. Can you share more details about the k8s cluster?
For the Kubernetes setup, other than the previous error, we also get
error in
, when we check the logs , we found
Error: cannot build pipelines: cannot build builtExporters: error creating clickhouse exporter: error connecting to primary db: dial tcp: lookup signoz-clickhouse on no such host
2022/02/03 02:55:39 application run finished with error: cannot build pipelines: cannot build builtExporters: error creating clickhouse exporter: error connecting to primary db: dial tcp: lookup signoz-clickhouse on no such host
. We cannot find
in pod ip and svc ip, what address is that?
issue is caused by ClickHouse not being ready because of previously mentioned errors releated to pvc. could you please share the output of the following? There should be a default storage class.
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kubectl get storageclass
can you please tell us about which cloud or local k8s wrapper/tool are you using for the k8s cluster? so that we can include this scenerio in our helm charts.
I see that 
provisioner: <http://kubernetes.io/no-provisioner|kubernetes.io/no-provisioner>
  is indicating that dynamic provisioning is not supported. https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/storage/storage-classes/#local ---- Please let us know if enabling the volume provisioner in 
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local_volume_provisioner_enabled: true
🙌 1
Hey @User, modify addons.yml helps! also I have to set up 1 default Storage class and 4 pvc with capacity 20Gi, 8Gi, 1Gi and 100Mi respectively. Now all my pods are in
🎉 1
Thank you!
That's great to hear 😊