I'm trying to run the signoz without containerizat...
# support
I'm trying to run the signoz without containerization, I started out with trying to run the frontend outside the container and the rest in the container, however even when point baseURL to localhost:8080 I'm getting just a blank screen. what am I doing wrong?
hey @User Curious, why are you trying to run SigNoz with containerization?
its more of a requirement from my supervisor, said the current test server can't use docker for some reason. honestly beats me, docker setup is less than a minute
I did somewhat narrow down my problem, I'm getting a 405 from the query service and the frontend won't redirect me to the signup page
@User ok. we don't officially support running without containers. But it would be good if you can create an issue with your use case. And if you find success with running SigNoz without containers, please share with the community so other users like you can benefit 🙂
honestly my supervisor is making me do a whole lot of work for basically nothing. We've going to use it docker for production so I dont see it worth anyones time to create an issue, however I will document any success I have if I can get it to work. in theory it should just fire up with the backend in docker but I have no idea whats wrong
I am going to put this here though: if you see the error "cannot read properties" or "the above error in has occurred in react" type of messages, switch your browser
I went from chrome to firefox and it just worked and I cannot explain why
whatever, it's literally not my problem, it's chrome's problem
edge is also fine so it's not just a chromium issue
it's just chrome
very odd
i see, @User do you have any insights on this?
after digging deep into this issue I found out this is due to the
that we are using as it still has the reference of entry module which contain null in main.js so we can avoid this one but setting
modules to false raising the pr for the same
cool 👍
@User should this be treated as a hotfix and released immediately or should be part of next release?
Can be treated as hotfix @User