can someone tell, how to get invite token for the ...
# general
can someone tell, how to get invite token for the first time login?
Hi @Steven com my 👋 You should be able to create an admin account, which is the first account after an installation. Only for 2nd or later account you need an invite link, which can be issued by the Admin account(s).
Thanks. Actually, I rsync from dev server to preprod server, thats why I cannot create the first user. My bad. By the way, the example code for nodejs, does not create Service Map, it shows all the TCP traces, but somehow, it does not create a Service Map. Any additional guide? on this? The default doc does not have much...
Currently, it is expected in case of only one instrumentation.
@Vishal Sharma would be right person to give more context on the same.
@Steven com my Is it single service? Service map is currently designed to only show connected services. Upvote the issue, it will be picked later:
No, its not a single app, it is a connected app via multiple route, and its also connected to a MongoDB, which non of the service shows any kind of database calls
@Steven com my Have you instrumented all the services? What is your tech stack for the services?
NodeJs, ExpressJS, mongodb, Redis, mongoose. all the nodejs is instrumented with open-telemetry. This is a mobile backend
@Steven com my We are able to see service map after instrumenting multiple connected services. Maybe this article can help you out: