Hi <#C01HWQ1R0BC|support>, I have updated to 0.8.0...
# support
Hi #support, I have updated to 0.8.0 and I created an account with my email and password. when I checked the settings, I was given admin access. After I logged out, I am trying to login back with the same password and it's saying invalid credentials. On create account it's saying, you are not allowed to create an account, ask your admin to send an invite link. Is there a way to resolve this as I am blocked and not able to log in?
@Ankit Nayan
@Hima Vyas Creating new account is not allowed without invite link - apart from signing up the first time. You should be able to login with your admin account though. Can you check if there are no spaces etc in the password you are entering?
Yes checked that. Actually I had saved creds in my browser while creating account as well.
I had created an invite and given the admin access to other person as well. but After I logged out, he also lost his admin access [he is logged in though, but unable to invite anyone else]
@Hima Vyas this should not be the case. Can you try to reproduce the issue over your laptop or a VM and share a video if possible? Would help us debug any edge cases you got into. For now, I am thinking how to unblock you. Do you have many alerts and dashboards set? Thinking of deleting the embedded db at query-service which has user management, alert rules and dashboards.
I'll try to reproduce but I can share a video of current scenario anyway. I only have traces data which I have been migrating since yesterday after version update. for dashboards and alerts, I haven't set up anything I have one team member who is currently logged in to signoz but doesn't have signoz admin access so if that could help in any way
ok..let me test internally a workaround for this
traces data need not change and no need to migrate
From 0.7.5 to 0.8.0 ,migration was required as mentioned - https://signoz.io/docs/operate/upgrade/#kubernetes
yes..that is right...for the current issue we don't need to migrate
Yupp, got it! just wanted to mention that migration is under progress.
👍 1
@Prashant Shahi can you share the steps to delete existing users by exec -it to container
Exec into the query-service container:
Copy code
kubectl -n platform exec -it pod/my-release-signoz-query-service-0 -- sh
Run the following commands from the container:
Copy code
# install sqlite
apk update
apk add sqlite

# open sqlite with signoz.db
sqlite3 /var/lib/signoz/signoz.db

# (sqlite shell) check existing users
select * from users;

# (sqlite shell) delete all users
delete from users where 1=1;

# (sqlite shell) verify user deletion
select * from users;

# press CTRL + D to exit from sqlite shell
# safely exit from the query-service container
You should be able to create new admin user after following these steps.
Okay, let me follow and get back
Able to log in! Thanks Prashant, Ankit I am trying to give admin access to other user from settings. I could see mine and his name with ADMIN access but the other person is not able to see anything on UI and getting an error that needs admin privileges
That could be issue related to browser cache
Okay, understood. let me ask him to disable his cache once.
@Prashant Shahi @Ankit Nayan I am able to login but when I am creating invites for members, they are not able to create account. There is an error message "Something went wrong" pops up.
@Hima Vyas can you share query-service logs so that we can investigate this issue?
@Hima Vyas also the response of the API call would be very helpful.
2022-05-10T165047.454Z DEBUG auth/auth.go:95 GetInvite method invoked for token: b5d4977275eaae1c15c8aa0cb6322904 2022-05-10T165101.349Z DEBUG auth/auth.go:217 Got a register request for email: xyz@abc.com 2022-05-10T165101.350Z DEBUG auth/auth.go:250 GetOrgByName failed, err: Multiple orgs with same ID found
Will changing org name help here?
API Response
{"status":"error","errorType":"internal","error":"Multiple orgs with same ID found"}
I have changed an org name temporarily and it seems to be working. Is there a way to check all the org names and remove duplicate entries to make it work?
there is a table
which you can check using the steps mentioned by @Prashant Shahi
Okay, Thanks!