hi ! What would be the endpoint in case I want to...
# support
hi ! What would be the endpoint in case I want to scrape metrics from a Prometheus receiver from a separate Collector such in https://signoz.io/docs/tutorial/kubernetes-infra-metrics/ ? I was able to follow through that one for k8s metrics but now I would like to scrape Prometheus metrics. Thank you,
@Pranay yes but I would need to enable a Prometheus receiver from the Otel Collector that I have setup outside Signoz. In the same way as I did with the infra metrics, but for Prometheus receiver. I thought do I need to use your custom image version to target
exporter to achieve this ? I appreciate your help,
Hi is it possible to do it that way ? The idea would be to do it in a way that we only export metrics to Signoz endpoint as a backend. If not possible we may need to opt for a different tool. Thank you,
@Prashant Shahi @Ankit Nayan Do you have insights on this?
@Jonathan Berrios you can decide on either of the following ways to send your prometheus metrics to SigNoz. • include your prometheus metrics's endpoint in prometheus receiver of SigNoz Otel Collector Metrics configuration • set up SigNoz OtelCollector with prometheus receiver configuration and send it to SigNoz clickhouse directly using
exporter • set up another collector (SigNoz OtelCollector or OpenTelemetry Collector of v0.43.0) and configure prometheus receiver configuration and relay it to SigNoz OTLP receiver
@Jonathan Berrios I don't think I got your question correctly. Let me try to explain a few points and you can ask more specific things.
exporter and hence signoz's version of otel-collector will be needed when writing to clickhouse.
can be used in both signoz's otel-collector or the upstream. You can set prometheus scrape config at 2 places: 1. At
running as part of signoz which can then write the scraped data to clickhouse using
2. At
which is not part of signoz. It can run in every node or as deployment just like prometheus in any cluster/region. You need to specify scrape configs at
there and use
to send metrics to signoz's
which can then write to clickhouse using
exporter which is available in signoz's distribution of otel-collector
🙌 1
@Ankit Nayan @Prashant Shahi @Pranay Thank you, the option 2 is what we aim for. When setting 2 jobs/targets for my
receiver it cannot connect because it only listens to port
and not
, which I need, I believe this is more Otel side but could you recommend a way so I listen to both ports ? Very appreciated,