is it just me or is the selfhosted version unstabl...
# support
is it just me or is the selfhosted version unstable
I've been using it for 1.5 months , been stable so far , no complaints, only thing to watch out is configuration , depending on setup might need to change some things
just keep getting this after every deployment
ah its probably the query service dying , k8s deployment?
no docker-compose
recommend going over the logs - , might have more info, i had similar issues with way too large sampling on my apps and tracing enabled. Ran a single instance clickhouse on some cheap EC2 instance with gp2 storage
i turned my sampling rate to 0.2 and increased storage to get more iops and was a lot better after
i havent even connected it to anything yet
oh 😞 then i dont know 😞
on k8s the deployment takes quite a bit of time tho , for example when running on minikube
it takes like 15 minutes for me to switch all the pods
how did you changed the sampling rate, @Viljar Võidula? Using the settings from this page ?
Sampling can happen at the collector or at the agent level (less sophisticated). @Viljar Võidula is probably referring to head based mode.
sorry for late reply . i have self instrumented app and i modified sampling rate from the app code. Didnt know about collectors work at that time yet .