Hi Guys new here and new to opentelemetry . I jus...
# support
Hi Guys new here and new to opentelemetry . I just started testing signoz. and I followed the tutorial from website (https://signoz.io/docs/install/docker/). I can launch the signozz successfully and works perfectly well with sample site. But when i try to add a sample python app using this tutorial (https://signoz.io/docs/instrumentation/python/) into the service it does not show up in the service section and I also get this warning in the console "Conflicting values for traces OTLP exporter protocol, using 'otlp_proto_http' Conflicting values for metrics OTLP exporter protocol, using 'otlp_proto_http'" - any idea what i did wrong or what can I do?
What web framework are you using and share the output of pip freeze in your virtual env.
HI Srikanth , I am using flask this is pip freeze output
no change actually
There is no flask instrumentation installed? How did you install the rest of otel packages?
i used automatic instrumentation Add automatic instrumentation The below command inspects the dependencies of your application and installs the instrumentation packages relevant for your Python application.
Copy code
opentelemetry-bootstrap --action=install
Not sure why it didn’t install Flask instrumentation. Did you try again?
okey i run again and it installed but it still doesnot work
i run a trouble shooter it can not send data to port 4318 only can send to 4317
but if i use port 4317 which is grpc but exporter use protocol http i get this error
managed to get it work with this command OTEL_RESOURCE_ATTRIBUTES=service.name=python_app OTEL_EXPORTER_OTLP_ENDPOINT="http://localhost:4317" opentelemetry-instrument --traces_exporter otlp --metrics_exporter otlp python3 app.
how can i use the port 4318 instead of relaying on grpc ?