Hi everyone! I'm very new so please excuse me if I...
# support
Hi everyone! I'm very new so please excuse me if I'm asking dumb questions because I don't understand key Signoz concepts yet. I'm coming from Datadog for company usage and now try Signoz for private projects. I set up Signoz with docker-compose on a root server and configured a locally running ruby on rails application (development mode) to send metrics there. After doing the standard configuration my service is showing up in the service tab (yay), I can also see the key operations, listing my controllers and actions. But I have a few questions: 1. I wanted to see the logs for my rails application, but can't seem to filter the logs by service similarly to how it's done with DD - how do I do that? (I couldn't see any logs for my application yet, also not with the Live tail, I only found traces for my application but not the calls of the different routes of my application with the corresponding Params and HTTP Status code) 2. I added this by zero division to my WelcomeController and the exception was raised but it wasn't visible in Signoz Exceptions tab - why? 3. How can I remove the default signoz services from the service tab? Thanks a lot!
3. How can I remove the default signoz services from the service tab?
Docs for removing sample apps from Docker Standalone: https://signoz.io/docs/operate/docker-standalone/#remove-the-sample-application-from-signoz-dashboard
1. I believe that If u are using Signoz, you are directly dealing with OTel, where logs are not stable for some of the programming languages(refer here). While considering Datadog which supports both OpenTelemetry and its observability framework, so it might be possible that support for the logs is stable in Datadog's framework with respect to your application. However, I welcome any corrections or additional insights from those with expertise in this matter. You can also look at the faq in this article. https://signoz.io/docs/instrumentation/ruby-on-rails/
@Ronny Logs is not yet implemented in ruby opentelemetry. You can track status here.
But there are other ways to ingest logs to SigNoz. You can read here: https://signoz.io/docs/userguide/logs/
2. I added this by zero division to my WelcomeController and the exception was raised but it wasn’t visible in Signoz Exceptions tab - why?
It should have been there, how did you instrument? Can you share steps you followed?
@Vishal Sharma Thanks a lot for the hints and sorry for not replying for so long! I'd like to concentrate on the logs for now since this is most important to me - error tracking later. I got my hands dirty with fluentd and the fluent forward receiver now. I configured everything according to https://signoz.io/docs/userguide/fluentd_to_signoz/ but the logs don't seem to appear in Signoz still. I have a docker-compose installation of signoz running and retrieved the ip of the clickhouse-setup-otel-collector container (in my case This I added to the fluentd config of my rails application (see below). I also adjusted the docker-compose.yaml to open the 24224 port as described in the mentioned article (and configured the receiver, the exporter and the log-service). When I curl from the machine where I have signoz docker-compose and my rails application docker-compose running, I can see this, so it seems to be ok: curl: (52) Empty reply from server Though when my application logs something and I see it in the docker logs of the fluentd service that I have there e.g. a line like the one below, I would expect it to appear in signoz too but it doesn't. I know that the format needs to be improved but I would expect at least anything to appear. Any hints how to move on from here? Thanks a lot! Log line, made visible with docker compose logs fluentd (inside the folder of my rails app): cfa-fluentd-1 | 2023-08-02 070903.000000000 +0000 click-for-all-development: {"messages":"Started GET \"/\" for at 2023-08-02 070902 +0000\nCannot render console from! Allowed networks:, ::1\nProcessing by WelcomeController#index as HTML\n Rendered welcome/index.html.erb within layouts/application (Duration: 4.6ms | Allocations: 1418)\nImportmap skipped missing path: turbo.min.js\nImportmap skipped missing path: turbo.min.js\n Rendered layout layouts/application.html.erb (Duration: 99.4ms | Allocations: 31977)\nCompleted 200 OK in 116ms (Views: 102.9ms | ActiveRecord: 0.0ms | Allocations: 35811)\n\n","info":"WARN"} fluentd-config in the rails app <source> @type forward port 24227 # don't worry about this, that's just where my rails app sends the logs to fluentd </source> <match> @type copy <store> @type forward send_timeout 60s <server> name signo # name chosen on purpose to reduce naming duplications and speed up trouble shooting host port 24224 </server> </store> <store> @type stdout </store> </match>
@nitya-signoz Can help with logs
So your rails app is sending logs to fluentD, but fluentD is not sending logs to SigNoz. Am I correct here ?
Yes it seems like this is the problem
Can you share a sample application with fluentD config. It will be easier for me to debug.
I'll be unavailable for about three weeks now unfortunately and won't be able to provide you that before ... thanks a lot for your help already. I'll get back to you!! Have a great time!