Hello, team! I installed signoz in bare metal k8s ...
# support
Hello, team! I installed signoz in bare metal k8s cluster via helm chart. How I can filter my applications in Services section or Service Map section? There in search bar I can read that
"Search and filter based on resource attributes"
. But I haven't any filters in suggestions. I checked in env variables of my application pod which I registered to signoz. There I can see OTEL_RESOURCE_ATTRIBUTES variable:
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But in web ui I can't filter it by namespaces or name of app.
are supported at the moment in service map.
@Srikanth Chekuri To have this deployment.environment/other variable filter (not on service map but on the home services page), we need to add it in the dimensions right? Can we get this if i add the properties to the pipeline like you mentioned yesterday and i add a new dimension. Or it will work only if i pass it as OTEL attribute?
we need to add it in the dimensions right?
Can we get this if i add the properties to the pipeline like you mentioned yesterday and i add a new dimension.
Or it will work only if i pass it as OTEL attribute?
Not clear, if the ingested spans data consists of attributes and you add the attribute to the dimensions, it will show up in the filters.
Understood Srikanth, thanks😀
@Vishnu Teja Vallala Hi! What does mean dimensions and where I can it add 🙂
@Ayan Khamza On the Services/home page of signoz, you can see the search filter on the top. By default there will be an option to filter based on signoz_collector_id, namespace and environment. So you need to filter based on some other custom parameters. You can add it in the dimensions in the otel-collector-config.yaml file in signozspanmetrics processor to achieve it.
🙏 Thank's a lot guys! I finally got it with your help and filtered in Services/home page. What about Service Map page? I need also add it in processor but at another place on config file ?