Hello everybody. I am noticing a delay between an...
# support
Hello everybody. I am noticing a delay between an application creating a log file entry and SigNoz being able to show the log file in the Webpage. That can take 1-10 minutes. Can I speed this up a bit?
That can take 1-10 minutes
Since there is batch processing it might take 1 or 2 minutes but 10 minutes is unusually high. How are you collecting logs?
I installed the default k8s helm chart on my k8s cluster
I create logs in in a golang app via logrus as json and print this to stdout.
Willing to change whatever it needs here to make this "a bit more" like ddog.
@nitya-signoz do you know when does it take unusually as long as 10 mins for logs to appear?
No, haven’t seen something like this. Is this for happening for a single application or all the logs that are collected are showing 10 mins late ?
I have a namespace where I want to have logs
and I am filtering via a kubernetes deploy name (as I did in ddog)
can you give us idea about how much logs you are ingesting , you can find that chart on the logs page chart
I get a ping via readiness check very 10 sec. Goa creates request id.
Sometimes I can't see the reference id at all - but - kubectl and vs code (which uses kubectl) or openlens (which also uses kubectl) can find it