Hey! Anyone run into an issue with the otel agent...
# support
Hey! Anyone run into an issue with the otel agent not able to connect to the host node? I've seen some solutions for kube-metrics but nothing for the otel agent. This is running on a DOK cluster
Copy code
"2023-05-31T20:39:36.574Z\terror\tscraperhelper/scrapercontroller.go:212\tError scraping metrics\t{\"kind\": \"receiver\", \"name\": \"kubeletstats\", \"data_type\": \"metrics\", \"error\": \"Get \\\"<https://dynamic-premium-intel-frnw6:10250/stats/summary>\\\": dial tcp: lookup dynamic-premium-intel-frnw6 on no such host\", \"scraper\": \"kubeletstats\"}"
We have seen some issues specific to DOK cluster environments. @Prashant Shahi might have some pointers.
I tried changing it from the fqdn to the IP but still no luck. Any help on this would be appreciated.
any guidance on this or are we out of luck in terms of running this on a DOK cluster
@Christopher Paro IN DOK,
receiver is unable to fetch metrics since the kubelet API port of the host is not accessible from within the container. It would take some time to find proper solution around this. Meanwhile, you could use cadvisor instead to get K8s metrics and use otel-collector-metrics to scrape it either with config change or pod annotation
. https://github.com/google/cadvisor/tree/master/deploy/kubernetes