Hi team, I want to query the clickhouse collector ...
# support
Hi team, I want to query the clickhouse collector running on my server with the signoz, how to access it ? its running on port 4318, the reason I want to do this is to play with some clickhouse queries so I can write my custom dashboard.
Copy code
clickhouse-client --host=localhost --port=4317
would this work ?
given that you said it is on port 4318 you might want to change your port option
not working
Copy code
ClickHouse client version
Connecting to localhost:4318 as user default.
stuck on this step
i just reread what you are trying to do, clickhouse collector isn’t clickhouse, that is an OpenTelemetry binary that collects traces/metrics. You would want to connect to a clickhouse server with the clickhouse-client
ahh, thanks got it working at port 9000
my bad