hi all, I need for support… We install SigNoz on...
# support
hi all, I need for support… We install SigNoz on GCP/GKE via helm, with the following values:
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  storageClass: gce-resizable
  cloud: gcp

  installCustomStorageClass: true
The instrumented pyhon application we are calling this way:
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CMD ["bash", "-c", "OTEL_RESOURCE_ATTRIBUTES=service.name=zagpt-python OTEL_EXPORTER_OTLP_ENDPOINT='<http://signoz-otel-collector.platform.svc.cluster.local:4317>' opentelemetry-instrument --traces_exporter otlp_proto_http --metrics_exporter otlp_proto_http python webhook.py"]
In the log of the signoz-otel-collector pod, it gives me the error:
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api-stg-00042-deployment-65f9c6d996-48wtk app Transient error Bad Gateway encountered while exporting span batch, retrying in 32s.
Does anyone have any idea where the error is for not letting me instrument my app service with python and FastAPI?
In the log of the signoz-otel-collector pod, it gives me the error:
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api-stg-00042-deployment-65f9c6d996-48wtk app Transient error Bad Gateway encountered while exporting span batch, retrying in 32s.
This shouldn’t be the signoz-otel-collector pod but rather your application.
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--traces_exporter otlp_proto_http --metrics_exporter otlp_proto_http
This is an incorrect config. You are using the HTTP exporter, but the endpoint configured is the gRPC port. You either have to change the exporter or the endpoint to HTTP, i.e.
@Srikanth Chekuri - tks, its working right now