Hi Team! Our K8S runs on a private cluster on AWS ...
# support
Hi Team! Our K8S runs on a private cluster on AWS - no access to any public services/addresses, only AWS services are available. We installed the SigNoz on the cluster based on your helm charts. But we had at least two issues: • The location of the DB installation scripts can't be configured thru helm charts. It was hardcoded somewhere to http://github.com, which is not accessible from our cluster. We copied the scrips to our S3 bucker and changed the location in the service K8S service. • The second issue is that on the first login the Admin user should be created. But the "invite URL" should be sent (I see errors in the service log
ERROR: sending request - Post "<https://api.segment.io/v1/batch>": context deadline exceeded
) via an external email service. As you can guess - the service also is not accessible. Finally, after some timeout we were able to login into the UI but the system does not feel well - sometimes we can't login, the "Settings" screen can't be opened, and some Admin functionality are not available. • Maybe there are additional cases when installation or SigNoz's services are trying to access public services? Can SygNoz be installed on the private cluster? Is there any fixes/patches to resolve the above problems?
• The location of the DB installation scripts can’t be configured thru helm charts. It was hardcoded somewhere to http://github.com, which is not accessible from our cluster. We copied the scrips to our S3 bucker and changed the location in the service K8S service.
We will make it configurable.
The second issue is that on the first login the Admin user should be created. But the “invite URL” should be sent
You need to create an account for the first admin user and for any other use invite link should be generated. https://signoz.io/docs/userguide/authentication/
Can SygNoz be installed on the private cluster
Yes, however there is no consolidate list of public assets we try to access.