Hi Team, I am using signoz 10.2 integrated into a...
# support
Hi Team, I am using signoz 10.2 integrated into an API server and i am able to monitor the API server. But I observe few things below 1. multiple spans are grouping together (of different requests) 2. i can see lot of missing traces recently. 3. when I tried to submit the same request API for a couple times say like 18-20 times, and tracing is showing for 8-9 times only. may i know why couple of requests are not being captured. Is there any way to solve this issue ? I kindly request you to look into it. Even i am willing connect directly to give you exact problem statement
Hi Team any update on this ?
1. multiple spans are grouping together (of different requests)
What do you mean by this “grouping”?
1. when I tried to submit the same request API for a couple times say like 18-20 times, and tracing is showing for 8-9 times only. may i know why couple of requests are not being captured. Is there any way to solve this issue ?
This seems like an issue from SDK/instrumentation. Which language & framework are you using? What does SDK setup look like? P.S: 10.2 is pretty old and we have shipped several fixes and enhancement so you may want to upgrade and test on new version.
@Srikanth Chekuri, Thanks alot for your reply. we are using NodeJS instrumentation and Tomcat Instrumentation
Unfortunately, we cant go for upgrade of signoz as it lies with Client.
@Srikanth Chekuri , is there any further update related to this ?
Hi Team any update on this ?
You are using a very old version. We have made many fixes, including the missing spans related. Could you share a reproducible example? What version of opentelemetry are you using?
"@opentelemetry/api": "^1.1.0", "@opentelemetry/auto-instrumentations-node": "^0.28.0", "@opentelemetry/exporter-otlp-grpc": "^0.26.0", "@opentelemetry/sdk-node": "^0.28.0", and java agent version is 1.16.0
You are like 10 releases behind, which makes it really hard to help. Please update the SigNoz and OpenTelemetry versions and let us know if the issue is still not fixed.
after upgrading do i need to make changes to my node js instrumentation with latest npm pkgs?
@Srikanth Chekuri could you please let me know on the above query ?
after upgrading do i need to make changes to my node js instrumentation with latest npm pkgs?
Yes, you may not have to do it for Java apps but you will need to update the node packages.
Hi @Srikanth Chekuri, we have deployed latest versoin 18.1, but signoz trace is still showing missing
Screenshot from 2023-05-10 15-29-35.png
Then there is an issue with your instrumentation. Please share a simple reproducible example.
just i called a rest api from post man .
traceExporter = new OTLPTraceExporter();
sdk = new opentelemetry.NodeSDK({ traceExporter, instrumentations: [getNodeAutoInstrumentations(), new MongoDBInstrumentation({ enhancedDatabaseReporting: true, }),], }); // initialize the SDK and register with the OpenTelemetry API // this enables the API to record telemetry sdk.start()
if possible for you we can huddle
If you share a simple reproducible example, it can be debugged further to see where the issue is; otherwise any idea of getting on to call doesn’t make sense. How can call help if we don’t know where it is coming from?
Ok could you please more specific on the sample ?
It can be any simple node app that replicates the issue you mentioned.
if i can give you github link will that be fine ?
@Srikanth Chekuri, we have resolved the issue by upgrading the node version to 18. Could you please help us with document for 18.1 as the site is providing documentation for latest version?
Also @Srikanth Chekuri, please see the below picture. in the picture you will see 450 ms of POST request, but below spans shows that it took 56 ms to complete the request . I would like to know the remaining time 380ms details. Could please help me to understand this
Hi Team , Any update on this ?
Hi @Ankit Nayan /@Srikanth Chekuri, could you please help me out ?
Could you please help us with document for 18.1 as the site is providing documentation for latest version
I am not sure which document you are referring to.
in the picture you will see 450 ms of POST request, but below spans shows that it took 56 ms to complete the request . I would like to know the remaining time 380ms details. Could please help me to understand this
The sum of the child spans doesn’t always add up to the parent span duration. It doesn’t mean it took 56ms to complete the request. It means the operations till /engine-rest/… tok 56 millis, there could be another work that is not traced after which is responsible for the rest of 380ms.
@Srikanth Chekuri, Current signoz documentation, which is available in site is https://signoz.io/docs/install/kubernetes/others/, which refers to latest version of signoz 0.18.3. We are requesting documentation for the older versions of signoz like 0.18.2, 0.18.1, 0.10.2 etc.. For the second point, we don't call any such service. This kind trace we observed intermittently. And our applications are deployed in k8s clusters and the flow of services you can find from below attachement
Also, I observed one peculiar one. Please find the attached screen shot below. you can see 1.0m it took for the rest api but internally rest api calling another service which took almost 4m time. usually it should 5m for the rest api . am i correct? if yes could you please let me know how i can fix this ?
@Srikanth Chekuri is there any input that could help us ?
We are requesting documentation for the older versions of signoz like 0.18.2, 0.18.1, 0.10.2
We don’t have versioned documentation. There aren’t many version specific changes.
For the second point, we don’t call any such service. This kind trace we observed intermittently. And our applications are deployed in k8s clusters and the flow of services you can find from below attachement
This not necessarily any call to other service. If a program is spendnig some time doing some work then also you will see this.
Also, I observed one peculiar one. Please find the attached screen shot below. you can see 1.0m it took for the rest api but internally rest api calling another service which took almost 4m time. usually it should 5m for the rest api . am i correct? if yes could you please let me know how i can fix this ?
If you could share a full trace json (copy from the network tab) that would be helpful.