Hi, I am trying instrument my spring boot applicat...
# support
Hi, I am trying instrument my spring boot application to monitor the metrics. But we dockerized apps before deployment. I have been able include the OpenTelemetry jar file in the docker file. My issue is the application appears on the service page and then disappears with time and also no metrices is coming into SigNoz. Is there a way to monitoring a dockerised spring boot application? This is the entry point in the dockerfile
*ENTRYPOINT* ["java","-javaagent:/usr/local/lib/opentelemetry-javaagent.jar","-Dotel.exporter.otlp.endpoint=<http://xx.xx.xx.xx:4317>", "-Dotel.resource.attributes=service.name=Payroll-API-dev",  "-jar" , "/usr/local/lib/demo.jar"]
My issue is the application appears on the service page and then disappears
There is a time range in the top right corner. If your application stops sending data for a long time it will not appear in the list. It’s not really about the docker if you could get some data.
Thank you. I appreciate your help