Hi Team, can someone please direct me to the docs ...
# support
Hi Team, can someone please direct me to the docs to understand how the otel collector agent fit into the picture with Signoz. We have 8 microservices running using ECS with docker containers (which have 2 dedicated EC2 instances and scaling upto 8 ) I have hosted Signoz as 1 another dedicated EC2 instance. using a centOS machine. Now I want to pass all the hardware data for each service to the Signoz dashboard, how to do that ?
As per my current understanding, I need to run an otel-collector-agent, where should I run this ? should it be part of the docker file I have setup for running the services ?
Yes, it can run as a separate container along with your services or run as systemd process in the background.
@Srikanth Chekuri can I get any headstart docs ?