:wave::skin-tone-4: hello folks, I'm checking on a...
# support
👋🏽 hello folks, I'm checking on a very minor issue - I've updated to the v0.17.0 tag, but still see v0.16.2 in the UI with the updates available warning. Did I do something wrong, not do something required, or is that expected?
HEAD detached at v0.17.0
@Kenichi Nakamura How did you upgrade to the latest version?
Looks like your frontend image was not updated
ok i will make sure to pull latest images and retry, thanks!
thanks for the hint - it looks like this was not updated yet in the tagged version, but is on main develop https://github.com/SigNoz/signoz/blob/v0.17.0/deploy/docker/clickhouse-setup/docker-compose.yaml#L184
@Prashant Shahi Version is not updated in tagged version
@Srikanth Chekuri It looks like the old git tag was created before pinning the version and it was not auto updated post-release.
I have synced the tag to latest
where version is pinned.
I don’t follow where it is not pinned? Look at the last commit of the tagged version and it is the commit to pin the versions.
the git tag was pointing to previous commit where the docker-compose tags were not updated.
It is fixed now.
@Kenichi Nakamura could you please
git checkout
to the
branch and use that instead?