Given that there is no way to use the `datadog` ex...
# support
Given that there is no way to use the
exporter with the signoz otel collector, would it be possible to disable the OTEL collector entirely within the signoz helm chart, and only install the query service, front-end, clickhouse and alert manager? and let an external otel collector provide the actual telemetry? I need to export my traces and metrics to both services.
You can configure the SDK to send to multiple destinations.
you mean the OTEL SDK?
that doesn't help with host metrics, or services deployed from third party images
Yes, I meant OTEL SDK. I am not I follow that doesn’t help with host metrics, or services deployed from third party images. There is also another of way sending data to “agent” collector of the upstream binary/image in your services which will send data to multiple destinations.
ok, so what you're suggesting is that SignOz acts as a hub which collects host metrics, along with application traces and metrics, and sends them to yet another collector which then exports them to the target 3rd party service?
what I meant by 3rd party images is, for example, ingress-nginx which can only send to one OTLP endpoint, so that endpoint must be capable of forwarding the traces and metrics to all the services I want to send my telemetry to
The hub can be otel collector which receives the data from applications which can then forward the data to multiple destinations.
if you're talking about signoz acting as the hub, it cannot forward to the Datadog service because it doesn't contain the datadog exporter, unlike the
image which the agents run on
I am not talking about signoz as hub but as a destination for which is why I mentioned The hub can be otel collector which receives and forwards data to multiple destination i.e both SigNoz and Datadog
ok, so app -> otel collector -> signoz?
Yes, that otel collector (contrib image) can send data to SigNoz and DataDog
ok, though that means I would be running two daemonsets collecting host metrics, and one pointless collector (courtesy of the signoz helm chart)
instead of just exporting data from otel collector directly to clickhouse
I need to run, but I'll read your responses later
I think I understood something wrong initially. I was able to configure the OTEL agent to export to Datadog too. Thank you!