<@U02SS3ZAMKQ> <@U03BTNACHNX> <@U01HWQ1RTC2> In se...
# support
@Prashant Shahi @nitya-signoz @Ankit Nayan In services, we are not getting all the metrics data like no data base calls, no external calls metrics etc. Below are the screen shots Could u plz help me to debug the issue?
Where should I debug?
@Srikanth Chekuri
@Srikanth Chekuri Is this issue related to opentelemerty configuration ?
Yes, all these come from the otel-collector-metrics, is that pod running?
where we deploy signoz?
Below is the list of pods
Can you share the logs of the query-service by loading the screen again?
logs generated for database calls
Copy code
2023-02-28T06:00:59.271Z	DEBUG	clickhouseReader/reader.go:1867
			quantile(0.5)(durationNano) as p50,
			quantile(0.95)(durationNano) as p95,
			quantile(0.99)(durationNano) as p99,
			COUNT(*) as numCalls,
		FROM signoz_traces.distributed_signoz_index_v2
		WHERE serviceName = @serviceName AND timestamp>= @start AND timestamp<= @end GROUP BY name ORDER BY p99 DESC LIMIT 10
2023-02-28T06:00:59.271Z	INFO	app/server.go:236	/api/v1/service/top_operations	timeTaken: 14.483965ms
2023-02-28T06:00:59.276Z	DEBUG	clickhouseReader/reader.go:869
			toStartOfInterval(timestamp, INTERVAL @interval minute) as time,
			quantile(0.99)(durationNano) as p99,
			quantile(0.95)(durationNano) as p95,
			quantile(0.50)(durationNano) as p50,
			count(*) as numCalls
		FROM signoz_traces.distributed_signoz_index_v2
		WHERE serviceName = @serviceName AND name In [@names] AND timestamp>= @start AND timestamp<= @end GROUP BY time ORDER BY time DESC
2023-02-28T06:00:59.287Z	DEBUG	clickhouseReader/reader.go:897
			toStartOfInterval(timestamp, INTERVAL @interval minute) as time,
			count(*) as numErrors
		FROM signoz_traces.distributed_signoz_index_v2
		WHERE serviceName = @serviceName AND name In [@names] AND timestamp>= @start AND timestamp<= @end AND statusCode=2 GROUP BY time ORDER BY time DESC
2023-02-28T06:00:59.287Z	INFO	app/server.go:236	/api/v1/service/overview	timeTaken: 31.303781ms
2023-02-28T06:00:59.340Z	INFO	api/metrics.go:21	CustomMetricsFunction feature is not enabled in this plan
2023-02-28T06:00:59.340Z	INFO	api/metrics.go:21	CustomMetricsFunction feature is not enabled in this plan
2023-02-28T06:00:59.340Z	INFO	clickhouseReader/reader.go:3084	Executing metric result query: SELECT A.ts as ts, A.value / B.value as value FROM (SELECT  ts, sum(value) as value FROM (SELECT  ts, runningDifference(value)/runningDifference(ts) as value FROM(SELECT fingerprint,  toStartOfInterval(toDateTime(intDiv(timestamp_ms, 1000)), INTERVAL 60 SECOND) as ts, max(value) as value FROM signoz_metrics.distributed_samples_v2 GLOBAL INNER JOIN (SELECT  fingerprint FROM signoz_metrics.distributed_time_series_v2 WHERE metric_name = 'signoz_db_latency_sum' AND JSONExtractString(labels, 'service_name') IN ['oa-lending-loan']) as filtered_time_series USING fingerprint WHERE metric_name = 'signoz_db_latency_sum' AND timestamp_ms >= 1677562259000 AND timestamp_ms <= 1677564000000 GROUP BY fingerprint, ts ORDER BY fingerprint,  ts) OFFSET 1) GROUP BY ts ORDER BY  ts) as A  GLOBAL INNER JOIN(SELECT  ts, sum(value) as value FROM (SELECT  ts, runningDifference(value)/runningDifference(ts) as value FROM(SELECT fingerprint,  toStartOfInterval(toDateTime(intDiv(timestamp_ms, 1000)), INTERVAL 60 SECOND) as ts, max(value) as value FROM signoz_metrics.distributed_samples_v2 GLOBAL INNER JOIN (SELECT  fingerprint FROM signoz_metrics.distributed_time_series_v2 WHERE metric_name = 'signoz_db_latency_count' AND JSONExtractString(labels, 'service_name') IN ['oa-lending-loan']) as filtered_time_series USING fingerprint WHERE metric_name = 'signoz_db_latency_count' AND timestamp_ms >= 1677562259000 AND timestamp_ms <= 1677564000000 GROUP BY fingerprint, ts ORDER BY fingerprint,  ts) OFFSET 1) GROUP BY ts ORDER BY  ts) as B  ON A.ts = B.ts
2023-02-28T06:00:59.340Z	INFO	clickhouseReader/reader.go:3084	Executing metric result query: SELECT db_system,  ts, sum(value) as value FROM (SELECT db_system,  ts, runningDifference(value)/runningDifference(ts) as value FROM(SELECT fingerprint, db_system,  toStartOfInterval(toDateTime(intDiv(timestamp_ms, 1000)), INTERVAL 60 SECOND) as ts, max(value) as value FROM signoz_metrics.distributed_samples_v2 GLOBAL INNER JOIN (SELECT  JSONExtractString(labels, 'db_system') as db_system, fingerprint FROM signoz_metrics.distributed_time_series_v2 WHERE metric_name = 'signoz_db_latency_count' AND JSONExtractString(labels, 'service_name') IN ['oa-lending-loan']) as filtered_time_series USING fingerprint WHERE metric_name = 'signoz_db_latency_count' AND timestamp_ms >= 1677562259000 AND timestamp_ms <= 1677564000000 GROUP BY fingerprint, db_system,ts ORDER BY fingerprint, db_system,  ts) OFFSET 1) GROUP BY db_system,ts ORDER BY db_system,  ts
2023-02-28T06:00:59.401Z	INFO	utils/time.go:12	GetMetricResult took 60.660535ms

2023-02-28T06:00:59.401Z	INFO	app/server.go:236	/api/v2/metrics/query_range	timeTaken: 61.073809ms
2023-02-28T06:00:59.424Z	INFO	app/server.go:236	/api/v1/configs	timeTaken: 197.318715ms
2023-02-28T06:00:59.459Z	INFO	utils/time.go:12	GetMetricResult took 118.686484ms

2023-02-28T06:00:59.459Z	INFO	app/server.go:236	/api/v2/metrics/query_range	timeTaken: 119.0515ms
2023-02-28T06:01:00.981Z	INFO	app/server.go:236	/api/v1/version	timeTaken: 13.678µs
2023-02-28T06:01:00.981Z	INFO	app/server.go:236	/api/v1/version	timeTaken: 9.285µs
2023-02-28T06:01:10.981Z	INFO	app/server.go:236	/api/v1/version	timeTaken: 11.66µs
2023-02-28T06:01:10.982Z	INFO	app/server.go:236	/api/v1/version	timeTaken: 5.334µs
logs for external calls
Copy code
2023-02-28T06:02:40.981Z	INFO	app/server.go:236	/api/v1/version	timeTaken: 11.692µs
2023-02-28T06:02:40.981Z	INFO	app/server.go:236	/api/v1/version	timeTaken: 9.867µs
2023-02-28T06:02:47.164Z	INFO	api/metrics.go:21	CustomMetricsFunction feature is not enabled in this plan
2023-02-28T06:02:47.164Z	INFO	api/metrics.go:21	CustomMetricsFunction feature is not enabled in this plan
2023-02-28T06:02:47.164Z	INFO	clickhouseReader/reader.go:3084	Executing metric result query: SELECT A.address as address, A.ts as ts, A.value / B.value as value FROM (SELECT address,  ts, sum(value) as value FROM (SELECT address,  ts, runningDifference(value)/runningDifference(ts) as value FROM(SELECT fingerprint, address,  toStartOfInterval(toDateTime(intDiv(timestamp_ms, 1000)), INTERVAL 60 SECOND) as ts, max(value) as value FROM signoz_metrics.distributed_samples_v2 GLOBAL INNER JOIN (SELECT  JSONExtractString(labels, 'address') as address, fingerprint FROM signoz_metrics.distributed_time_series_v2 WHERE metric_name = 'signoz_external_call_latency_sum' AND JSONExtractString(labels, 'service_name') IN ['oa-lending-loan']) as filtered_time_series USING fingerprint WHERE metric_name = 'signoz_external_call_latency_sum' AND timestamp_ms >= 1677562367000 AND timestamp_ms <= 1677564120000 GROUP BY fingerprint, address,ts ORDER BY fingerprint, address,  ts) OFFSET 1) GROUP BY address,ts ORDER BY address,  ts) as A  GLOBAL INNER JOIN(SELECT address,  ts, sum(value) as value FROM (SELECT address,  ts, runningDifference(value)/runningDifference(ts) as value FROM(SELECT fingerprint, address,  toStartOfInterval(toDateTime(intDiv(timestamp_ms, 1000)), INTERVAL 60 SECOND) as ts, max(value) as value FROM signoz_metrics.distributed_samples_v2 GLOBAL INNER JOIN (SELECT  JSONExtractString(labels, 'address') as address, fingerprint FROM signoz_metrics.distributed_time_series_v2 WHERE metric_name = 'signoz_external_call_latency_count' AND JSONExtractString(labels, 'service_name') IN ['oa-lending-loan']) as filtered_time_series USING fingerprint WHERE metric_name = 'signoz_external_call_latency_count' AND timestamp_ms >= 1677562367000 AND timestamp_ms <= 1677564120000 GROUP BY fingerprint, address,ts ORDER BY fingerprint, address,  ts) OFFSET 1) GROUP BY address,ts ORDER BY address,  ts) as B  ON A.address = B.address AND A.ts = B.ts
2023-02-28T06:02:47.164Z	INFO	clickhouseReader/reader.go:3084	Executing metric result query: SELECT A.address as address, A.ts as ts, A.value * 100 / B.value as value FROM (SELECT address,  ts, sum(value) as value FROM (SELECT address,  ts, runningDifference(value)/runningDifference(ts) as value FROM(SELECT fingerprint, address,  toStartOfInterval(toDateTime(intDiv(timestamp_ms, 1000)), INTERVAL 60 SECOND) as ts, max(value) as value FROM signoz_metrics.distributed_samples_v2 GLOBAL INNER JOIN (SELECT  JSONExtractString(labels, 'address') as address, fingerprint FROM signoz_metrics.distributed_time_series_v2 WHERE metric_name = 'signoz_external_call_latency_count' AND JSONExtractString(labels, 'service_name') IN ['oa-lending-loan'] AND JSONExtractString(labels, 'status_code') IN ['STATUS_CODE_ERROR']) as filtered_time_series USING fingerprint WHERE metric_name = 'signoz_external_call_latency_count' AND timestamp_ms >= 1677562367000 AND timestamp_ms <= 1677564120000 GROUP BY fingerprint, address,ts ORDER BY fingerprint, address,  ts) OFFSET 1) GROUP BY address,ts ORDER BY address,  ts) as A  GLOBAL INNER JOIN(SELECT address,  ts, sum(value) as value FROM (SELECT address,  ts, runningDifference(value)/runningDifference(ts) as value FROM(SELECT fingerprint, address,  toStartOfInterval(toDateTime(intDiv(timestamp_ms, 1000)), INTERVAL 60 SECOND) as ts, max(value) as value FROM signoz_metrics.distributed_samples_v2 GLOBAL INNER JOIN (SELECT  JSONExtractString(labels, 'address') as address, fingerprint FROM signoz_metrics.distributed_time_series_v2 WHERE metric_name = 'signoz_external_call_latency_count' AND JSONExtractString(labels, 'service_name') IN ['oa-lending-loan']) as filtered_time_series USING fingerprint WHERE metric_name = 'signoz_external_call_latency_count' AND timestamp_ms >= 1677562367000 AND timestamp_ms <= 1677564120000 GROUP BY fingerprint, address,ts ORDER BY fingerprint, address,  ts) OFFSET 1) GROUP BY address,ts ORDER BY address,  ts) as B  ON A.address = B.address AND A.ts = B.ts
2023-02-28T06:02:47.165Z	INFO	api/metrics.go:21	CustomMetricsFunction feature is not enabled in this plan
2023-02-28T06:02:47.165Z	INFO	clickhouseReader/reader.go:3084	Executing metric result query: SELECT address,  ts, sum(value) as value FROM (SELECT address,  ts, runningDifference(value)/runningDifference(ts) as value FROM(SELECT fingerprint, address,  toStartOfInterval(toDateTime(intDiv(timestamp_ms, 1000)), INTERVAL 60 SECOND) as ts, max(value) as value FROM signoz_metrics.distributed_samples_v2 GLOBAL INNER JOIN (SELECT  JSONExtractString(labels, 'address') as address, fingerprint FROM signoz_metrics.distributed_time_series_v2 WHERE metric_name = 'signoz_external_call_latency_count' AND JSONExtractString(labels, 'service_name') IN ['oa-lending-loan']) as filtered_time_series USING fingerprint WHERE metric_name = 'signoz_external_call_latency_count' AND timestamp_ms >= 1677562367000 AND timestamp_ms <= 1677564120000 GROUP BY fingerprint, address,ts ORDER BY fingerprint, address,  ts) OFFSET 1) GROUP BY address,ts ORDER BY address,  ts
2023-02-28T06:02:47.166Z	INFO	api/metrics.go:21	CustomMetricsFunction feature is not enabled in this plan
2023-02-28T06:02:47.166Z	INFO	clickhouseReader/reader.go:3084	Executing metric result query: SELECT A.ts as ts, A.value / B.value as value FROM (SELECT  ts, sum(value) as value FROM (SELECT  ts, runningDifference(value)/runningDifference(ts) as value FROM(SELECT fingerprint,  toStartOfInterval(toDateTime(intDiv(timestamp_ms, 1000)), INTERVAL 60 SECOND) as ts, max(value) as value FROM signoz_metrics.distributed_samples_v2 GLOBAL INNER JOIN (SELECT  fingerprint FROM signoz_metrics.distributed_time_series_v2 WHERE metric_name = 'signoz_external_call_latency_sum' AND JSONExtractString(labels, 'service_name') IN ['oa-lending-loan']) as filtered_time_series USING fingerprint WHERE metric_name = 'signoz_external_call_latency_sum' AND timestamp_ms >= 1677562367000 AND timestamp_ms <= 1677564120000 GROUP BY fingerprint, ts ORDER BY fingerprint,  ts) OFFSET 1) GROUP BY ts ORDER BY  ts) as A  GLOBAL INNER JOIN(SELECT  ts, sum(value) as value FROM (SELECT  ts, runningDifference(value)/runningDifference(ts) as value FROM(SELECT fingerprint,  toStartOfInterval(toDateTime(intDiv(timestamp_ms, 1000)), INTERVAL 60 SECOND) as ts, max(value) as value FROM signoz_metrics.distributed_samples_v2 GLOBAL INNER JOIN (SELECT  fingerprint FROM signoz_metrics.distributed_time_series_v2 WHERE metric_name = 'signoz_external_call_latency_count' AND JSONExtractString(labels, 'service_name') IN ['oa-lending-loan']) as filtered_time_series USING fingerprint WHERE metric_name = 'signoz_external_call_latency_count' AND timestamp_ms >= 1677562367000 AND timestamp_ms <= 1677564120000 GROUP BY fingerprint, ts ORDER BY fingerprint,  ts) OFFSET 1) GROUP BY ts ORDER BY  ts) as B  ON A.ts = B.ts
2023-02-28T06:02:47.295Z	INFO	utils/time.go:12	GetMetricResult took 129.677912ms

2023-02-28T06:02:47.295Z	INFO	app/server.go:236	/api/v2/metrics/query_range	timeTaken: 129.992533ms
2023-02-28T06:02:47.381Z	INFO	utils/time.go:12	GetMetricResult took 216.511378ms

2023-02-28T06:02:47.381Z	INFO	app/server.go:236	/api/v2/metrics/query_range	timeTaken: 217.041976ms
2023-02-28T06:02:47.387Z	INFO	utils/time.go:12	GetMetricResult took 222.312969ms

2023-02-28T06:02:47.387Z	INFO	app/server.go:236	/api/v2/metrics/query_range	timeTaken: 222.715429ms
2023-02-28T06:02:47.390Z	INFO	utils/time.go:12	GetMetricResult took 224.805653ms

2023-02-28T06:02:47.391Z	INFO	app/server.go:236	/api/v2/metrics/query_range	timeTaken: 225.099565ms
2023-02-28T06:02:49.017Z	DEBUG	auth/auth.go:376	Login method called for user:

2023-02-28T06:02:49.017Z	INFO	app/server.go:236	/api/v1/login	timeTaken: 325.579µs
2023-02-28T06:02:49.058Z	INFO	app/server.go:236	/api/v1/user/{id}	timeTaken: 387.94µs
2023-02-28T06:02:49.179Z	INFO	app/server.go:236	/api/v1/featureFlags	timeTaken: 200.19µs
2023-02-28T06:02:49.179Z	INFO	app/server.go:236	/api/v1/version	timeTaken: 195.92µs
2023-02-28T06:02:49.205Z	INFO	app/server.go:236	/api/v1/service/top_level_operations	timeTaken: 2.594889ms
2023-02-28T06:02:49.211Z	DEBUG	clickhouseReader/reader.go:1867
Copy code
			quantile(0.5)(durationNano) as p50,
			quantile(0.95)(durationNano) as p95,
			quantile(0.99)(durationNano) as p99,
			COUNT(*) as numCalls,
		FROM signoz_traces.distributed_signoz_index_v2
		WHERE serviceName = @serviceName AND timestamp>= @start AND timestamp<= @end GROUP BY name ORDER BY p99 DESC LIMIT 10
2023-02-28T06:02:49.212Z	INFO	app/server.go:236	/api/v1/service/top_operations	timeTaken: 12.679458ms
2023-02-28T06:02:49.217Z	DEBUG	clickhouseReader/reader.go:869
			toStartOfInterval(timestamp, INTERVAL @interval minute) as time,
			quantile(0.99)(durationNano) as p99,
			quantile(0.95)(durationNano) as p95,
			quantile(0.50)(durationNano) as p50,
			count(*) as numCalls
		FROM signoz_traces.distributed_signoz_index_v2
		WHERE serviceName = @serviceName AND name In [@names] AND timestamp>= @start AND timestamp<= @end GROUP BY time ORDER BY time DESC
2023-02-28T06:02:49.226Z	DEBUG	clickhouseReader/reader.go:897
			toStartOfInterval(timestamp, INTERVAL @interval minute) as time,
			count(*) as numErrors
		FROM signoz_traces.distributed_signoz_index_v2
		WHERE serviceName = @serviceName AND name In [@names] AND timestamp>= @start AND timestamp<= @end AND statusCode=2 GROUP BY time ORDER BY time DESC
2023-02-28T06:02:49.226Z	INFO	app/server.go:236	/api/v1/service/overview	timeTaken: 28.123133ms
2023-02-28T06:02:49.271Z	INFO	api/metrics.go:21	CustomMetricsFunction feature is not enabled in this plan
2023-02-28T06:02:49.271Z	INFO	clickhouseReader/reader.go:3084	Executing metric result query: SELECT A.ts as ts, A.value / B.value as value FROM (SELECT  ts, sum(value) as value FROM (SELECT  ts, runningDifference(value)/runningDifference(ts) as value FROM(SELECT fingerprint,  toStartOfInterval(toDateTime(intDiv(timestamp_ms, 1000)), INTERVAL 60 SECOND) as ts, max(value) as value FROM signoz_metrics.distributed_samples_v2 GLOBAL INNER JOIN (SELECT  fingerprint FROM signoz_metrics.distributed_time_series_v2 WHERE metric_name = 'signoz_external_call_latency_sum' AND JSONExtractString(labels, 'service_name') IN ['oa-lending-loan']) as filtered_time_series USING fingerprint WHERE metric_name = 'signoz_external_call_latency_sum' AND timestamp_ms >= 1677562369000 AND timestamp_ms <= 1677564120000 GROUP BY fingerprint, ts ORDER BY fingerprint,  ts) OFFSET 1) GROUP BY ts ORDER BY  ts) as A  GLOBAL INNER JOIN(SELECT  ts, sum(value) as value FROM (SELECT  ts, runningDifference(value)/runningDifference(ts) as value FROM(SELECT fingerprint,  toStartOfInterval(toDateTime(intDiv(timestamp_ms, 1000)), INTERVAL 60 SECOND) as ts, max(value) as value FROM signoz_metrics.distributed_samples_v2 GLOBAL INNER JOIN (SELECT  fingerprint FROM signoz_metrics.distributed_time_series_v2 WHERE metric_name = 'signoz_external_call_latency_count' AND JSONExtractString(labels, 'service_name') IN ['oa-lending-loan']) as filtered_time_series USING fingerprint WHERE metric_name = 'signoz_external_call_latency_count' AND timestamp_ms >= 1677562369000 AND timestamp_ms <= 1677564120000 GROUP BY fingerprint, ts ORDER BY fingerprint,  ts) OFFSET 1) GROUP BY ts ORDER BY  ts) as B  ON A.ts = B.ts
2023-02-28T06:02:49.272Z	INFO	api/metrics.go:21	CustomMetricsFunction feature is not enabled in this plan
2023-02-28T06:02:49.272Z	INFO	clickhouseReader/reader.go:3084	Executing metric result query: SELECT A.address as address, A.ts as ts, A.value * 100 / B.value as value FROM (SELECT address,  ts, sum(value) as value FROM (SELECT address,  ts, runningDifference(value)/runningDifference(ts) as value FROM(SELECT fingerprint, address,  toStartOfInterval(toDateTime(intDiv(timestamp_ms, 1000)), INTERVAL 60 SECOND) as ts, max(value) as value FROM signoz_metrics.distributed_samples_v2 GLOBAL INNER JOIN (SELECT  JSONExtractString(labels, 'address') as address, fingerprint FROM signoz_metrics.distributed_time_series_v2 WHERE metric_name = 'signoz_external_call_latency_count' AND JSONExtractString(labels, 'service_name') IN ['oa-lending-loan'] AND JSONExtractString(labels, 'status_code') IN ['STATUS_CODE_ERROR']) as filtered_time_series USING fingerprint WHERE metric_name = 'signoz_external_call_latency_count' AND timestamp_ms >= 1677562369000 AND timestamp_ms <= 1677564120000 GROUP BY fingerprint, address,ts ORDER BY fingerprint, address,  ts) OFFSET 1) GROUP BY address,ts ORDER BY address,  ts) as A  GLOBAL INNER JOIN(SELECT address,  ts, sum(value) as value FROM (SELECT address,  ts, runningDifference(value)/runningDifference(ts) as value FROM(SELECT fingerprint, address,  toStartOfInterval(toDateTime(intDiv(timestamp_ms, 1000)), INTERVAL 60 SECOND) as ts, max(value) as value FROM signoz_metrics.distributed_samples_v2 GLOBAL INNER JOIN (SELECT  JSONExtractString(labels, 'address') as address, fingerprint FROM signoz_metrics.distributed_time_series_v2 WHERE metric_name = 'signoz_external_call_latency_count' AND JSONExtractString(labels, 'service_name') IN ['oa-lending-loan']) as filtered_time_series USING fingerprint WHERE metric_name = 'signoz_external_call_latency_count' AND timestamp_ms >= 1677562369000 AND timestamp_ms <= 1677564120000 GROUP BY fingerprint, address,ts ORDER BY fingerprint, address,  ts) OFFSET 1) GROUP BY address,ts ORDER BY address,  ts) as B  ON A.address = B.address AND A.ts = B.ts
2023-02-28T06:02:49.273Z	INFO	api/metrics.go:21	CustomMetricsFunction feature is not enabled in this plan
2023-02-28T06:02:49.273Z	INFO	clickhouseReader/reader.go:3084	Executing metric result query: SELECT A.address as address, A.ts as ts, A.value / B.value as value FROM (SELECT address,  ts, sum(value) as value FROM (SELECT address,  ts, runningDifference(value)/runningDifference(ts) as value FROM(SELECT fingerprint, address,  toStartOfInterval(toDateTime(intDiv(timestamp_ms, 1000)), INTERVAL 60 SECOND) as ts, max(value) as value FROM signoz_metrics.distributed_samples_v2 GLOBAL INNER JOIN (SELECT  JSONExtractString(labels, 'address') as address, fingerprint FROM signoz_metrics.distributed_time_series_v2 WHERE metric_name = 'signoz_external_call_latency_sum' AND JSONExtractString(labels, 'service_name') IN ['oa-lending-loan']) as filtered_time_series USING fingerprint WHERE metric_name = 'signoz_external_call_latency_sum' AND timestamp_ms >= 1677562369000 AND timestamp_ms <= 1677564120000 GROUP BY fingerprint, address,ts ORDER BY fingerprint, address,  ts) OFFSET 1) GROUP BY address,ts ORDER BY address,  ts) as A  GLOBAL INNER JOIN(SELECT address,  ts, sum(value) as value FROM (SELECT address,  ts, runningDifference(value)/runningDifference(ts) as value FROM(SELECT fingerprint, address,  toStartOfInterval(toDateTime(intDiv(timestamp_ms, 1000)), INTERVAL 60 SECOND) as ts, max(value) as value FROM signoz_metrics.distributed_samples_v2 GLOBAL INNER JOIN (SELECT  JSONExtractString(labels, 'address') as address, fingerprint FROM signoz_metrics.distributed_time_series_v2 WHERE metric_name = 'signoz_external_call_latency_count' AND JSONExtractString(labels, 'service_name') IN ['oa-lending-loan']) as filtered_time_series USING fingerprint WHERE metric_name = 'signoz_external_call_latency_count' AND timestamp_ms >= 1677562369000 AND timestamp_ms <= 1677564120000 GROUP BY fingerprint, address,ts ORDER BY fingerprint, address,  ts) OFFSET 1) GROUP BY address,ts ORDER BY address,  ts) as B  ON A.address = B.address AND A.ts = B.ts
2023-02-28T06:02:49.274Z	INFO	api/metrics.go:21	CustomMetricsFunction feature is not enabled in this plan
2023-02-28T06:02:49.274Z	INFO	clickhouseReader/reader.go:3084	Executing metric result query: SELECT address,  ts, sum(value) as value FROM (SELECT address,  ts, runningDifference(value)/runningDifference(ts) as value FROM(SELECT fingerprint, address,  toStartOfInterval(toDateTime(intDiv(timestamp_ms, 1000)), INTERVAL 60 SECOND) as ts, max(value) as value FROM signoz_metrics.distributed_samples_v2 GLOBAL INNER JOIN (SELECT  JSONExtractString(labels, 'address') as address, fingerprint FROM signoz_metrics.distributed_time_series_v2 WHERE metric_name = 'signoz_external_call_latency_count' AND JSONExtractString(labels, 'service_name') IN ['oa-lending-loan']) as filtered_time_series USING fingerprint WHERE metric_name = 'signoz_external_call_latency_count' AND timestamp_ms >= 1677562369000 AND timestamp_ms <= 1677564120000 GROUP BY fingerprint, address,ts ORDER BY fingerprint, address,  ts) OFFSET 1) GROUP BY address,ts ORDER BY address,  ts
2023-02-28T06:02:49.368Z	INFO	utils/time.go:12	GetMetricResult took 94.450179ms
Copy code
2023-02-28T06:02:49.369Z	INFO	app/server.go:236	/api/v2/metrics/query_range	timeTaken: 94.759835ms
2023-02-28T06:02:49.477Z	INFO	utils/time.go:12	GetMetricResult took 205.540941ms

2023-02-28T06:02:49.477Z	INFO	app/server.go:236	/api/v2/metrics/query_range	timeTaken: 205.949289ms
2023-02-28T06:02:49.489Z	INFO	utils/time.go:12	GetMetricResult took 216.242606ms

2023-02-28T06:02:49.489Z	INFO	app/server.go:236	/api/v2/metrics/query_range	timeTaken: 216.649147ms
2023-02-28T06:02:49.490Z	INFO	utils/time.go:12	GetMetricResult took 218.363514ms

2023-02-28T06:02:49.490Z	INFO	app/server.go:236	/api/v2/metrics/query_range	timeTaken: 218.789615ms
2023-02-28T06:02:49.773Z	INFO	app/server.go:236	/api/v1/configs	timeTaken: 591.196096ms
2023-02-28T06:02:50.981Z	INFO	app/server.go:236	/api/v1/version	timeTaken: 13.714µs
2023-02-28T06:02:50.981Z	INFO	app/server.go:236	/api/v1/version	timeTaken: 7.056µs
@Srikanth Chekuri Will it works or shall I share in file?
This looks good to me. Can you exec into clickhouse pod and share the output of this query?
Copy code
SELECT A.ts as ts, A.value / B.value as value FROM (SELECT  ts, sum(value) as value FROM (SELECT  ts, runningDifference(value)/runningDifference(ts) as value FROM(SELECT fingerprint,  toStartOfInterval(toDateTime(intDiv(timestamp_ms, 1000)), INTERVAL 60 SECOND) as ts, max(value) as value FROM signoz_metrics.distributed_samples_v2 GLOBAL INNER JOIN (SELECT  fingerprint FROM signoz_metrics.distributed_time_series_v2 WHERE metric_name = 'signoz_external_call_latency_sum' AND JSONExtractString(labels, 'service_name') IN ['oa-lending-loan']) as filtered_time_series USING fingerprint WHERE metric_name = 'signoz_external_call_latency_sum' AND timestamp_ms >= 1677562369000 AND timestamp_ms <= 1677564120000 GROUP BY fingerprint, ts ORDER BY fingerprint,  ts) OFFSET 1) GROUP BY ts ORDER BY  ts) as A  GLOBAL INNER JOIN(SELECT  ts, sum(value) as value FROM (SELECT  ts, runningDifference(value)/runningDifference(ts) as value FROM(SELECT fingerprint,  toStartOfInterval(toDateTime(intDiv(timestamp_ms, 1000)), INTERVAL 60 SECOND) as ts, max(value) as value FROM signoz_metrics.distributed_samples_v2 GLOBAL INNER JOIN (SELECT  fingerprint FROM signoz_metrics.distributed_time_series_v2 WHERE metric_name = 'signoz_external_call_latency_count' AND JSONExtractString(labels, 'service_name') IN ['oa-lending-loan']) as filtered_time_series USING fingerprint WHERE metric_name = 'signoz_external_call_latency_count' AND timestamp_ms >= 1677562369000 AND timestamp_ms <= 1677564120000 GROUP BY fingerprint, ts ORDER BY fingerprint,  ts) OFFSET 1) GROUP BY ts ORDER BY  ts) as B  ON A.ts = B.ts
@Srikanth Chekuri
Copy code
chi-signoz-release-clickhouse-cluster-0-0-0.chi-signoz-release-clickhouse-cluster-0-0.platform.svc.cluster.local :) SELECT A.ts as ts, A.value / B.value as value FROM (SELECT  ts, sum(value) as value FROM (SELECT  ts, runningDifference(value)/runningDifference(ts) as value FROM(SELECT fingerprint,  toStartOfInterval(toDateTime(intDiv(timestamp_ms, 1000)), INTERVAL 60 SECOND) as ts, max(value) as value FROM signoz_metrics.distributed_samples_v2 GLOBAL INNER JOIN (SELECT  fingerprint FROM signoz_metrics.distributed_time_series_v2 WHERE metric_name = 'signoz_external_call_latency_sum' AND JSONExtractString(labels, 'service_name') IN ['oa-lending-loan']) as filtered_time_series USING fingerprint WHERE metric_name = 'signoz_external_call_latency_sum' AND timestamp_ms >= 1677562369000 AND timestamp_ms <= 1677564120000 GROUP BY fingerprint, ts ORDER BY fingerprint,  ts) OFFSET 1) GROUP BY ts ORDER BY  ts) as A  GLOBAL INNER JOIN(SELECT  ts, sum(value) as value FROM (SELECT  ts, runningDifference(value)/runningDifference(ts) as value FROM(SELECT fingerprint,  toStartOfInterval(toDateTime(intDiv(timestamp_ms, 1000)), INTERVAL 60 SECOND) as ts, max(value) as value FROM signoz_metrics.distributed_samples_v2 GLOBAL INNER JOIN (SELECT  fingerprint FROM signoz_metrics.distributed_time_series_v2 WHERE metric_name = 'signoz_external_call_latency_count' AND JSONExtractString(labels, 'service_name') IN ['oa-lending-loan']) as filtered_time_series USING fingerprint WHERE metric_name = 'signoz_external_call_latency_count' AND timestamp_ms >= 1677562369000 AND timestamp_ms <= 1677564120000 GROUP BY fingerprint, ts ORDER BY fingerprint,  ts) OFFSET 1) GROUP BY ts ORDER BY  ts) as B  ON A.ts = B.ts

    A.ts AS ts,
    A.value / B.value AS value
        sum(value) AS value
            runningDifference(value) / runningDifference(ts) AS value
                toStartOfInterval(toDateTime(intDiv(timestamp_ms, 1000)), toIntervalSecond(60)) AS ts,
                max(value) AS value
            FROM signoz_metrics.distributed_samples_v2
                SELECT fingerprint
                FROM signoz_metrics.distributed_time_series_v2
                WHERE (metric_name = 'signoz_external_call_latency_sum') AND (JSONExtractString(labels, 'service_name') IN ['oa-lending-loan'])
            ) AS filtered_time_series USING (fingerprint)
            WHERE (metric_name = 'signoz_external_call_latency_sum') AND (timestamp_ms >= 1677562369000) AND (timestamp_ms <= 1677564120000)
            GROUP BY
            ORDER BY
                fingerprint ASC,
                ts ASC
        OFFSET 1
    GROUP BY ts
) AS A
        sum(value) AS value
            runningDifference(value) / runningDifference(ts) AS value
                toStartOfInterval(toDateTime(intDiv(timestamp_ms, 1000)), toIntervalSecond(60)) AS ts,
                max(value) AS value
            FROM signoz_metrics.distributed_samples_v2
                SELECT fingerprint
                FROM signoz_metrics.distributed_time_series_v2
                WHERE (metric_name = 'signoz_external_call_latency_count') AND (JSONExtractString(labels, 'service_name') IN ['oa-lending-loan'])
            ) AS filtered_time_series USING (fingerprint)
            WHERE (metric_name = 'signoz_external_call_latency_count') AND (timestamp_ms >= 1677562369000) AND (timestamp_ms <= 1677564120000)
            GROUP BY
            ORDER BY
                fingerprint ASC,
                ts ASC
        OFFSET 1
    GROUP BY ts
) AS B ON A.ts = B.ts

Query id: 117b56be-2cc1-43cf-a5be-19fd8d3b4074


0 rows in set. Elapsed: 0.098 sec. Processed 518.37 thousand rows, 120.84 MB (5.28 million rows/s., 1.23 GB/s.)
Above is query output
No data return
@Srikanth Chekuri Any idea why are we not getting database calls and external calls?
It’s not clear to me what’s happening. Shall we sync up at 2 pm?
We can
Sure, I will share the meeting link.
@Srikanth Chekuri Plz share meeting link
Sharing in a sec
@Srikanth Chekuri Issue resolved
Thank you for the quick call and debugging the issue
@sudhanshu dev how did you resolved your issue?
It was related to the values.yaml. We created custom values.yaml file which overriding the otel collector metrics configuration
So we added the default configuration into custom values.yaml file