Pulling the latest container images for SigNoz. [...
# support
Pulling the latest container images for SigNoz. [+] Running 1/9 ⠿ otel-collector-metrics Skipped - Image is already being pulled by otel-collector 0.0s ⠿ clickhouse Error 1.9s ⠿ zookeeper-1 Error 1.9s ⠿ otel-collector Error 1.9s ⠿ load-hotrod Error 1.9s ⠿ frontend Error 1.9s ⠿ query-service Error 1.9s ⠿ hotrod Error 1.9s ⠿ alertmanager Error 1.9s Error response from daemon: Head "https://registry-1.docker.io/v2/grubykarol/locust/manifests/1.2.3-python3.9-alpine3.12": EOF 🔴 The containers didn't seem to start correctly. Please run the following command to check containers that may have errored out: docker-compose -f ./docker/clickhouse-setup/docker-compose.yaml ps -a or reach us for support in #help channel in our Slack Community https://signoz.io/slack
@dinesh heera try restarting docker daemon and retry.
@Prashant Shahi Issue still persists
@dinesh heera issue not reproducible. It works as expected here/
issue not related to signoz, but your local docker set up.
dineshheera@Dineshs-MacBook-Pro deploy % curl https://registry-1.docker.io/v2/ && echo Works || echo Problem {"errors":[{"code":"UNAUTHORIZED","message":"authentication required","detail":null}]} Works
This is what I am getting
docker logout
followed by
docker login
also, the issue could be caused by vpn or proxy server
@dinesh heera is this resolved ?