Hi team, I’m studying this signoz and want to work...
# support
Hi team, I’m studying this signoz and want to work on our work But I meet several problem, can you give me a favor? 1、How to create and use dashboard to monitor something (e.g. go application、service resource and myslq)? 2、How to collect go application self’s log to logs module (is not signoz log)
1、How to create and use dashboard to monitor something (e.g. go application、service resource and myslq)?
Did you instrument your go application? Are you already sending any data to SigNoz?
2、How to collect go application self’s log to logs module (is not signoz log)
What is your log transportation mechanism? Do you have some existing setup in place?
1、yes, my go application has been instrumented in signoz, and can see it on services panel. I need to know how can i use dashboard to monitor my some infrustruct?
2、I selected docker contains mechanism to collect my go application log, no special setup in place. But no find application logs in log panel, only see request event record. I hope it likes ELK, can gather application logs.
I need to know how can i use dashboard to monitor my some infrustruct?
Can you be specific about this? What part are you interested in monitoring?
OK,just like prometheus and granfana, can monitor device cpu、memery、 io、disk, can monitor application request or error and exception, monitor middleware( e.g. mysql、tidb、clickhouse).
You can use the Prometheus receiver in signoz to scrape the infrastructure metrics https://signoz.io/docs/userguide/send-metrics/#enable-a-prometheus-receiver
1、oka,let me try, thanks
the second problem, can you give me some suggestion? I selected docker contains mechanism to collect my go application log, no special setup in place. But no find application logs in log panel, only see request event record. I hope it likes ELK, can gather application logs.
this is trace, but i want logs from application inside to analyze error or business logic, just like below:
and can go-zero framework be supported by signoz? my go application used go-zero framework not gin