Hi guys I want to create a table that extends the ...
# support
Hi guys I want to create a table that extends the below shown key ops adding column for successful calls and errored calls. These are external calls. Is that possible (maybe using dashboard to create custom panel ) if yes can someone guide please
I have tried using this dashboard the problem is it only allows creating panel either as time_series or values but the above one is a table which is more simple. My question is this , is the above table also created using dashboard > Add panel because if yes i would want to know how we can create tables instead of single value and graphs panels. or is the above table just custom UI and cannot be creating using dashboard > add panel (which is fine too)
The Key operations table i'm talking about is at this page http://localhost:3301/services/service-name
@Srikanth Chekuri
Table view is not supported yet in the dashboards