What performance overhead does SigNoz add? Is it s...
# support
What performance overhead does SigNoz add? Is it something that is suitable for production environments or only lower development environments?
SigNoz supports open-telemetry instrumentation which allows generating telemetry data with very less performance overhead. Open-telemetry is industry standard created by companies like Google, Uber, CNCF, etc. Major companies already uses it. More details here: https://signoz.io/blog/opentelemetry-tracing/ SigNoz is suitable for production environments. Here are few tips for running SigNoz on production: https://signoz.io/docs/production-readiness/
Since the JVM is started with an agent, are there risks associated like crashing to process due to an issue?
we currently run the OTEL agents in PROD with traffic into the millions, no issue so far.
not a stability issue directly, but some services do get their logs flooded with these weird warnings which i haven’t pinpointed on how to solve:
Copy code
[otel.javaagent 2023-02-16 22:31:53:598 +0000] [PeriodicMetricReader-1] WARN io.opentelemetry.sdk.metrics.internal.state.AsynchronousMetricStorage - Instrument db.client.connections.pending_requests has recorded multiple values for the same attributes.
@Alexei Zenin good to know, thanks for sharing