We are working on a proposal for one of our custom...
# support
We are working on a proposal for one of our customer who is planning is move to Open Telemetry based Observability solution. The existing Incumbent Newrelic APM solution is to be replaced with an open source Open telemetry based solution. The volumetric scale of the solution is estimated at 1.5 PB data per month across logs/metrics and limited traces and over 500+ featured users, with monitoring of 125 services. We would like to know a few more things 1. It is mentioned that the license is Signoz license. Could you please share more details like the main difference of this license with respect to the Apache license, with respect to the tool usage. a. Can the source code for this tool be modified without any explicit approval from Signoz? b. Can the tool/modified source code be used be used as part of a commercial product? 2. Is the open source APM tool deployment support both on perm and also public clouds? 3. Is synthetic monitoring available as part of the Open source APM ? 4. What are the additional features/capabilities available on choosing enterprise version in terms of a. single plane glass view, b. Correlation between the traces, metrics and logs etc. ? c. Dashboard configuration support – what is the level of support provided. 5. Could you please provide a detailed comparison of all your offerings including cloud hosted. 6. Is you cloud hosting offering available in US region 7. Please provide any scaling recommendation with regard to this volume 8. Do you have any benchmarks wrt NFR constraints available? 9. Are any migration automation enablers for Newrelic to Signoz ?
@Nipin Joshy moving this to DM
@Ankit Nayan Can you please help with abstract of this conversation as I am also looking for answers for similar questions?
@anusha c 2. We support SaaS, CloudPrem, PrivateSaas, VPC Peering, AWS PrivateLink. Our team can manage SigNoz in your cloud. If you plan to use self-hosting, you can subscribe to our support plans starting $1000 per month 3. Synthetic monitoring can be enabled using blackbox exporter but not via UI. SigNoz team can help you set this up 4. We help create dashboards and also help parse logs. Any setup needed to move from NewRelic or DataDog 5. https://signoz.io/pricing 6. Our cloud hosting is available in US, EU, India, Brazil 7. Will be part of enterprise plan
@Ankit Nayan Can you also help us understand the open source consumption. We want to make some changes to open source variant that is available in https://github.com/signoz/signoz which is available under Opensource license