Is there a default aggregation interval when using...
# support
Is there a default aggregation interval when using the query builder for alerts? I am using the "count" metric and from my understanding this will count the number of metrics emitted within each aggregation interval. The only problem is the documentation said this changes relative to what timeview you are using, for alerts how do we know/set this aggeragation interval? A count over 2 hours would be much different than lets say 1 minute
For alerts, this is currently 30 seconds, I believe. @Amol Umbark can share more details on this.
Any way to set this through query builder? Or do you have to make using a custom clickhouse query
thanks btw
Not currently, but this will be available soon
@James Henrich Though i am not clear on what exactly you are looking for, i can explain the time related conditions in alerts we run the alert query every 30secs. the query results across two subsequent runs are compared to decide if alert is to be triggered or resolved in the alert conditions section you will notice in last <5 | 15 | 60 > minutes option. this timeframe is applied when picking data from clickhouse for evaluation. so if you set 5 mins, the count of metrics in last 5 mins will be picked. but the results will be put into 30 secs bucket (step size). now there is another option in alert conditions called in total. if you choose this then all the steps will get added up returning you total count in last 5 mins if you want something specific you can also write a clickhouse query directly.
ahh total can be used to do what I want here without writing a query. Thanks!