hey, We have some applications that are not instr...
# support
hey, We have some applications that are not instrumented but they generate metrics for promoethus. Is there a way to send those metrics to signoz and create dashboards from them?
yes @Salman - you can do this by enabling prometheus receiver in otel collector and point that to endpoint where prometheus metrics are exposed - https://signoz.io/docs/userguide/send-metrics/#enable-a-prometheus-receiver
thank you @Pranay. Does it require us running a promoetheus server?
No, you don't need to run prom server
We have some applications that are not instrumented but they generate metrics for promoethus
What do you mean by this? How do they expose metrics if they are not instrumented?
@Srikanth Chekuri I think he means these applications use prometheus exporters to generate metrics