Hi Everyone, We deployed SigNoz to our Openshift K...
# support
Hi Everyone, We deployed SigNoz to our Openshift K8s cluster, we instrumented our services, and they are all detected and are sending traces, we used Sidecars to enable that, but they are not sending logs, are there extra configs we need to enable logs?
@nitya-signoz Can you please help him here?
Not an expert in openshift here, but seems like the default filelog receiver we use for other k8s platforms won’t work with openshift here. You will need to use a log collector like this https://docs.openshift.com/container-platform/4.8/logging/config/cluster-logging-collector.html and forward logs to otel-collector. ( you will have to use the fluent receiver in otel collector https://signoz.io/docs/userguide/logs/#log-receivers) https://docs.openshift.com/container-platform/4.10/logging/cluster-logging-loki.html#logging-feature-ref_cluster-logging-loki @Prashant Shahi please add if you have more idea here.
@Andrew Seif any otel-collector logs or events would be helpful to figure it out. TBH, we are yet to make changes to be support running all signoz components in non-root user permissions to adhere with OpenShift's stronger security policies. We will resume it sometime in future. https://github.com/SigNoz/charts/pull/4
they are all detected and are sending traces, we used Sidecars to enable that, but they are not sending logs
Logs from SDK could be sent via sidecar, if configured. But I am not sure if sidecars would be able to scrape container logs using filelog receiver correctly.
Container logs scraping is recommended to be done via daemonset / OtelAgent.
cc @Srikanth Chekuri