Hi! I was wondering if there is any idea on where ...
# support
Hi! I was wondering if there is any idea on where ARM64 version of the docker-compose file went? (see -> https://github.com/SigNoz/signoz/blob/develop/deploy/README.md#using-docker-compose )
@Fredrik If you are installing on Mac M1, you should be able to install with instructions in the docs. You don't need a separate ARM file Though we don't support installation in other ARM based machines like on AWS etc. https://github.com/SigNoz/signoz/issues/2028
I'm on M2 so it shouldn't be a difference, right? I'm using the main-branch btw. The
ends in :
The containers didn't seem to start correctly. Please run the following command to check containers that may have errored out
Some commandline output:
Copy code
❯ docker-compose -f ./docker/clickhouse-setup/docker-compose.yaml up -d
[+] Running 9/13
 ⠿ Network clickhouse-setup_default                                                                                                                            Created                            0.0s
 ⠿ Container load-hotrod                                                                                                                                       Started                            0.8s
 ⠿ Container zookeeper-1                                                                                                                                       Started                            0.8s
 ⠿ Container hotrod                                                                                                                                            Started                            0.6s
 ⠸ load-hotrod The requested image's platform (linux/amd64) does not match the detected host platform (linux/arm64/v8) and no specific platform was requested                                     0.0s
 ⠸ zookeeper-1 The requested image's platform (linux/amd64) does not match the detected host platform (linux/arm64/v8) and no specific platform was requested                                     0.0s
 ⠿ Container clickhouse                                                                                                                                        Waiting                            4.3s
 ⠿ Container clickhouse-setup-otel-collector-metrics-1                                                                                                         Created                            0.0s
 ⠿ Container clickhouse-setup-otel-collector-1                                                                                                                 Created                            0.0s
 ⠿ Container query-service                                                                                                                                     Creat...                           0.1s
 ⠿ Container clickhouse-setup-alertmanager-1                                                                                                                   Created                            0.0s
 ⠹ alertmanager The requested image's platform (linux/amd64) does not match the detected host platform (linux/arm64/v8) and no specific platform was requested                                    0.0s
 ⠿ Container frontend                                                                                                                                          Created                            0.0s
container for service "clickhouse" is unhealthy

signoz/deploy on  main took 4s
and som more:
Copy code
docker-compose -f ./docker/clickhouse-setup/docker-compose.yaml ps -a
NAME                                        COMMAND                  SERVICE                  STATUS              PORTS
clickhouse                                  "/entrypoint.sh"         clickhouse               restarting          
clickhouse-setup-alertmanager-1             "/bin/alertmanager -…"   alertmanager             created             
clickhouse-setup-otel-collector-1           "/signoz-collector -…"   otel-collector           created             
clickhouse-setup-otel-collector-metrics-1   "/signoz-collector -…"   otel-collector-metrics   created             
frontend                                    "nginx -g 'daemon of…"   frontend                 created             
hotrod                                      "/go/bin/hotrod-linu…"   hotrod                   running             8080-8083/tcp
load-hotrod                                 "/docker-entrypoint.…"   load-hotrod              running             5557-5558/tcp, 8089/tcp
query-service                               "./query-service -co…"   query-service            created             
zookeeper-1                                 "/opt/bitnami/script…"   zookeeper-1              exited (1)
@Prashant Shahi Can you guide here
oh, it seems like similar issue is seen for Alertmanager, Zookeeper, and HotROD images.
And if you did not have the images imported previously, it is happening.
It sems to me like the versions of those images used are not avail with arm64 architecture, newer ones are though
@Fredrik For M1/M2, we had not been facing any issues importing AMD images since they are made compatible by Rosetta.
Docker recently started to not allow M1/M2 chips from downloading AMD images. Quick solution would be to add
But adding
--platform linux/amd64
will still yield the
WARNING: The requested image's platform (linux/amd64) does not match the detected host platform (linux/arm64/v8) and no specific platform was requested
which is to be expected beacuse its not the same platofrm. So I'm guessing either there needs to be a specific
-file for ARM64 processors or you'd have to run the docker process as x86_64 (ie Rosetta) which probably isn't the best option.
@Fredrik I meant to use platform flag to pull each individual images first.
You could also edit the respective services in
to include
platform: linux/x86_64
you'd have to run the docker process as x86_64 (ie Rosetta) which probably isn't the best option
actually, some of the SigNoz components do not support ARM machines yet. Like Alertmanager, and Zookeeper. And also load generator HotROD.