Hey I have been having this issue with query servi...
# support
Hey I have been having this issue with query service for awhile now. It happens everytime I redeploy signoz. Eventually it seemingly resolves itself but it can take several hours to do so. I haven’t found a proper solution, I just restart pods every now and then and cross my fingers.
It works now. Not sure why
When it’s failing for liveness probe was it restarting? Were you able to look at the logs for query service?
Yeah it was constantly restarting
I did not check the logs this time around but I believe last time it was restarting too often to check
Were collectors also restarting when the query service was restarting?
they were not
Hmm interesting, What were the memory limits configured for the query service? Did you notice if the OOM was reason for query service restart?
It’s possible, I plan on testing that soon