Can anyone help me with a clickhouse query? I hav...
# support
Can anyone help me with a clickhouse query? I have a workflow with multiple microservices. The first microservice (changes per workflow) has a workflow attribute. I want to select that attribute, get the traceID from that span, and use all the microservices in that span to create a graph of average latency per microservice in that workflow…. Any ideas?
your 1st microservice produces a specific attributed per workflow and you want to get a trace with that attribute and calculate avg latency breakdown by service?
Did I get it correct?
Also, are you interested in 1 trace of that workflow and calculate avg latency per service in that trace or you want to do know the avg latency per service of all the traces matching that criteria? Criteria being the presence of a specific attribute in the rootspan (or any span if it's unique to the 1st service)
the usecase is very interesting. I will be willing to look deeper into this. Please try to share more details 🙂
but we can help you write better queries too