Why is traces section Pagination and top chart (fo...
# support
Why is traces section Pagination and top chart (for counter) is not working? but when I refresh the page data will be hidden and pagination (also chart) will be fixed
@Muhammed Hussein Karimi When you share not working can you add more details on what you mean? Are you not getting any spans when you click for next page in traces filter page? Or clicking the page links is not fetching any new data for you? Some more details would be helpful
Also there is nothing inside services and services map section
But performance is great it was able to handle load tests and no error while sending traces from NginX
Also when I open a Trace page mostly I get 404 Error
@Muhammed Hussein Karimi how many services do you have sending data to SigNoz currently ? and also, what are the type of services - language/framework etc
from your screenshot - are trying to send traces from Nginx?
Only NginX (using open telemetry plugin Language is C++)
And I'm using Jeager input
Also when I open a Trace page mostly I get 404 Error
Does this happen on trace filter page or detail view of the trace? Also, can you share a screenshot of what you see on selecting
tab? (From left panel above
From Services sometimes I'm getting no service in the list I will attach screenshot
Also Operation per second number is wrong
But I'm getting this problem with logs section less then others
I am not sure why there is such a behavior. Is your otel collector/query service restarting frequently. Can you share what does
docker ps
output when such an issue happens. Also, please create an issue here with the above screenshots so that we can track it https://github.com/SigNoz/signoz/issues/new/choose
Nothing is restarting, I'm running it inside K8s with external ClickHouse
I will make a new Issue