Hi team, I'm trying to pull cloudwatch metrics to ...
# support
Hi team, I'm trying to pull cloudwatch metrics to signoz, but don't know how to do it. Can anyone help me or guide me to the right direction?
Did you try using something like this https://github.com/prometheus/cloudwatch_exporter?
No not yet, will check and update you. Thanks @Srikanth Chekuri
I tried cloudwatch exporter but didn't succeed in exporting it to signoz panel. Right now I've deployed the signoz in one of my server. Configured it with cloudwatch user in AWS cli and started the cloudwatch exporter Jar, Edited the otel-collector-metrucs-config.yaml file by adding a new job for cloudwatch exporter under Prometheus But still not able to see the data from cloudwatch
Is this the right approach or my configuration is incorrect
Please share the log of the collector where SigNoz is configured to receive data. Are there any errors?
It's working now, I'm able to get cloudwatch metrics in the signoz. It was some IP related issue, once I put the right IP in the configuration file it's start showing up in the signoz dashboard.