Hi! I am new to SigNoz, we have our product stack ...
# support
Hi! I am new to SigNoz, we have our product stack deployed on eks of different aws accounts of customers. Our dev team would like to have logs of all deployments on a single SigNoz. What is the best way to achieve this, can SigNoz alone support this or we have to use fluentd and/or fluentbit with SigNoz
yeah, it’s possible. Otel collectors will be deployed on each of the stacks and they will forward the logs to SigNoz. Here is an example diagram


@nitya-signoz does signoz have a otel collector without installing the signoz or we have to use fluentd or any any collector you recommend
You can use this chart https://github.com/SigNoz/charts/tree/main/charts/k8s-infra for deploying only the otel-collector.
i am new to devops, apologies if my queries seem silly will this be enough for logs, metrics and traces
Yeah, you can send metrics, traces and logs to individual collectors and they will forward it to signoz.
@Shravan Kgl Just one caution, don't go to the internet. Which means don't have a public ip for your Otel collector, this will increase your cost, and your traffic will not be encrypted. Try vpc peering for your multiple account. Send all data to one account where your signoz otel collector is hosted. https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/networking-and-content-delivery/vpc-sharing-a-new-approach-to-multiple-accounts-and-vpc-management/
Wow, thanks @Apoorva
@Apoorva we may to be able to achieve this as the customer accounts will be in different organisations. Anyway to overcome this