<@U01HPVB0D2S> when passwords don't match I get a ...
# support
@Pranay when passwords don't match I get a detailed message. Once I copy paste the same exact string from one filed to the other it goes away but the button is still grayed out:
ok - can you share which browser you are using, also which SigNoz version
this shouldn't be happening
ver: 0.11.1. Tried both chrome and Safari also for other people in the office the same issue. Is there a direct API call I can make?
ok. Were you always having this issue or this started happening recently? Can you try a simple password - like abc123 and check if it works @Ankit Nayan do you have any more insights here?
OK, so when the page opens I inspected the element:
Copy code
<button data-attr="signup" disabled="" type="submit" class="ant-btn ant-btn-primary"><span>Get Started</span></button>
By removing the following:
the button became clickable and I was able to create the account,
I see. can you also open an issue for this here - https://github.com/SigNoz/signoz, will have a look into this
@Pranay sure!