I'm new to signoz and still trying to find my way ...
# support
I'm new to signoz and still trying to find my way around. Is there a way to change the default logs layout? I'm looking for a simpler, more readable layout that more resembles a typical log file.
@Wesley Hartford can you share more on what do you mean by a default log’s layout? Any examples you can share
Also, what are the issues you are facing with current layout
The part of the logs screen I'm referring to is the main section showing the content of log events:
message has been deleted
Each of those boxes takes up about seven vertical lines of screen space, but represents just one application log entry. It would be nice if it was possible to display one log entry per line, more like you would see in a log file.
I certainly appreciate the richness and level of detail available for each log entry, but the current formatting makes it hard to quickly scan through or read log data. Some similar products allow the user to pick which fields they want to show and arrange those on a single line.
Thanks for the note @Wesley Hartford We don't have any such capability currently but I can imagine some users needing to scan log lines much faster. Would it be possible for you to open an issue for this with details as you had mentioned above. https://github.com/SigNoz/signoz/issues/new/choose On the other hand, just curious, what information are you looking for by scanning large number of log lines? Wouldn't you ideal want to filter more narrowly form the search bar above
Thanks, I submitted the feature request here: https://github.com/SigNoz/signoz/issues/1848
Filtering logs is certainly vital, but part of the process of filtering down to what I'm interested in, often involves scanning through log entries to pick out what I'm interested in. Once I've applied the appropriate filters, I might still be looking at hundreds of events. In a compact view, that might take up just a couple pages, in the current view in SigNoz, that would take many, many pages.
Just for context, the project I'm working on is pre-production, so a lot of my time is spent investigating bugs that involve interactions between several services; logs are currently the best window we have into the details of those interactions.
Got it. thanks for opening the issue btw, if you are interested in interaction across services you may find distributed tracing also to be helpful, esp. tracking how a request goes through different services and where its taking time
Oh absolutely! Distributed tracing is amazing.
Have you been able to try that in SigNoz?
Yeah, I'm really happy with how that works in SigNoz. I haven't used it a lot yet, but I'm happy with it so far.