Hi team, I have implemented with java application ...
# support
Hi team, I have implemented with java application it's working fine and we have a plan to integrate for PHP and .net also. Can any one help me to integrate signoz with PHP application with ks8. Note: signoz is up and running in ks8 private cluster.
@Mallesh Kannan Have you checked this doc - https://signoz.io/docs/instrumentation/php/
Yes i have gone through your video as well
ok, what issues are you facing
can you share the logs and more details on what you tried. Will help the community here to help you
Yep sure
I just integrated
Copy code
RUN php 1-getting-started-console-exporter.php

RUN OTEL_SERVICE_NAME=signoz-php-app php ./2-send-trace-to-collector.php
in my docker file but it throws :Could not open input file: 1-getting-started-console-exporter.php The command '/bin/sh -c php 1-getting-started-console-exporter.php' returned a non-zero code: 1
@Pranay If this 2 files are mandatory(1-getting-started-console-exporter,2-send-trace-to-collector.php) please tell me how to use this file in my docker
@Pranay?? any idea
@Mallesh Kannan seems file is not loaded in your docker correctly. Have you checked if it is accessible/mounted correctly. II personally don't have much idea on this, but may be others in the community can help