Hi, is there a road map for signoz widgets?
# support
Hi, is there a road map for signoz widgets?
@Kenneth Chow Can you share more details on what do you mean when you say SigNoz widgets
Currently there are only two types - numeric and line graph, would there be new ones in the future?
Got it. Yes, we plan to intro list and tables in the next 1-2 months. https://github.com/SigNoz/signoz/issues/1738 What are your use cases? Would be great if you can add your use case in the issue
I think I will just give you some idea here - all of these are just from AWS CloudWatch
• gauge - basically a bar that has a lower or upper limit
• list of alerts triggered in the last x minutes, or alarm status
• bar graph
• list of alerts triggered in the last x minutes, or alarm status
This is already available in alerts page, curious why would you need a widget for this?
gauge - basically a bar that has a lower or upper limit
Whats the use case for this
if I share the page with someone who is say less savvy, it would be good to have that in the dashboard with all other metrics as one page so there is no need to have too much instructions.
also the dashboard can be presented with both metrics and alert status side by side (I don't need to open up a separate window as well as having to refresh the alerts page all the time)