ooh, i have spring boot app too, and i kind a have...
# support
ooh, i have spring boot app too, and i kind a have similar problem. so basicly in this doc, it said to run the instrumentation agent and run application is using command:
Copy code
java -javaagent:/path/opentelemetry-javaagent.jar \
    -Dotel.exporter.otlp.endpoint=http://<IP of SigNoz Backend>:4317 \
    -Dotel.resource.attributes=service.name=<app_name> \
    -jar <myapp>.jar
but my developers using
mvnw spring-boot:run
is there any workaround too in springboot app ?
You can follow below doc: https://signoz.io/blog/distributed-tracing-java It also use mvnw to package the app. mvnw is also a wrapper around springboot.