Hello, I install SigNoz using docker compose and r...
# support
Hello, I install SigNoz using docker compose and run
php 2-send-trace-to-collector.php
(from https://github.com/SigNoz/sample-php-app), but I not visible data in panel (http://localhost:3301/application).
@Pranshu any insights on this?
Hey @Yuriy The root span must specify the kind SPAN. Spans which are of kind -> server are only visible in the /application page. I have update the code here. Please pull the new changes and give it a try. Let me know if you face any issues. Happy Hacking 🙌
@Pranshu Thank you very much. I’ll check tomorrow.
🙌 1
hey @Pranay, this happened to me too. but in sample-golang-app. Any insights for me?
@Ari Ari do you mean your application is not visible in SigNoz?
Can you try the steps here and share what you see?https://signoz.io/docs/install/troubleshooting/
I use windows. is it a problem?
I use windows. is it a problem?
We don't officially support windows today. You can try in a linux VM or Mac https://signoz.io/docs/install/docker/#prerequisites