Hi All I have installed signoz on my k8s cluster ...
# support
Hi All I have installed signoz on my k8s cluster (v.0.8.0). I am getting below error as my disk space is full 2022.07.08 090744.827179 [ 313 ] {57c20762-2e62-427b-ac38-8bd93a05eb5b} <Error> executeQuery: Code: 243. DB:Exception Cannot reserve 1.00 MiB, not enough space. (NOT_ENOUGH_SPACE) (version (official build)) (from (in query: INSERT INTO signoz_metrics.samples (fingerprint, timestamp_ms, value) VALUES), Stack trace (when copying this message, always include the lines below): but I do not want to increase the storage space but wanted to delete the older metrics and traces so as to free up the disk space. I have tried to apply the retention period to 7 days for metrics and traces, but it is giving below error How to delete older metrics and traces from Signoz? Can I delete them by doing ssh to the container? Please help!
Hi @Sandeep Sarpe 👋 Quick and easy way would be to first increase disk space, wait for some time and then set TTL to auto remove old traces/metrics
👍 1
Thank you for your quick reply and help!
Happy to help 🙂