Hello, team! Help me, please. Can the signoz comp...
# support
Hello, team! Help me, please. Can the signoz compare two traces as the jaeger does? Most of all I need to see which sub traces take less or more time than others. For example there are two traces with operations: 1. process_request: 5sec -> get_from_db: 10sec -> send_respose: 5sec 2. process_request: 5sec -> get_from_db: 15sec -> send_respose: 5sec So the second trace takes the 5s more time for the get_from_db operation. Can I see such differences on WI by comparing two traces somehow?
hey @Vladislav Lutsenko I don't think there is a direct UI which compares two traces in SigNoz. Can you explain in more detail what use case you are trying to solve here? Would be great if you can open issue on this with example screenshots from Jaeger https://github.com/SigNoz/signoz/issues/new/choose
I want to find code block(s) (actually spans) that work slowly after some code refactoring or adding new features. In my example, I have three logical code blocks 1. process_request: 5sec -> get_from_db: 10sec -> send_respose: 5sec 2. process_request: 5sec -> get_from_db: 15sec -> send_respose: 5sec But after the changes in the SQL query, the get_from_db block takes more time than before. If I have 20-50 or more logical blocks it is not so easy to find out which spans take more time than before the refactoring. As for jaeger it compares two spans by new blocks but not by the taken time. But there is the same request (as mine), please see https://github.com/jaegertracing/jaeger-ui/issues/296
PS: I can add the new request to this feature if you wish. But first of all, I want to understand maybe there is some other way to achieve this with signoz?
@Vladislav Lutsenko there is currently no way to directly compare traces. Opening a feature request would be great.
signoz in current state can compare spans with their aggregates. Eg in the trace filter page, choose a filter to correctly represent a set of spans in which you are interested. The chart above can show you the p50 of the filtered spans and you can click on a span in the list below the chart to see the trace in detail.