Hello, My Application is not showing up in "Metri...
# support
Hello, My Application is not showing up in "Metrics" tab in frontend. I am new to Signoz I have locally setup my application and signoz. I can see my traces in the "traces" tab but metrics are not showing up. My application is a tomcat webapp. My env variables are
export CATALINA_OPTS="-agentlib:jdwp=transport=dt_socket,server=y,suspend=n,address=5005 -javaagent:/Users/anand/libs/opentelemetry-javaagent.jar"
export OTEL_RESOURCE_ATTRIBUTES=service.name=MyApp
if I change the OTEL_METRICS_EXPORTER to "logging" I can see the metrics getting logged.
@anand h Can you application connect with SigNoz installation? - you can check with instructions mentioned here - https://signoz.io/docs/install/troubleshooting/
Yes . My application can connect with my signoz installation. I am saying this because I can see the traces(in the frontend) that I am producing in my application. And the trouble shooting tool says the following.
/troubleshoot checkEndpoint --endpoint=localhost:4317
2022-06-09T15:46:29.675+0530	INFO	workspace/main.go:28	STARTING!
2022-06-09T15:46:29.675+0530	INFO	checkEndpoint/checkEndpoint.go:41	checking reachability of SigNoz endpoint
2022-06-09T15:46:29.680+0530	INFO	workspace/main.go:46	Successfully sent sample data to signoz ...
I see. @Srikanth Chekuri would you have more insights on this?
@anand h do you not see any services at all or jus one of many services is missing?
@Srikanth Chekuri This is my Metrics view from frontend
You can see my service "MyApp" under Services in Traces tab
@anand h can you try changing the time period from top right corner in metrics page to
1 day
1 week
The metrics page only shows apps which had some spans/requests in the selected time period
@Pranay I have just tried it. It is not working. Still I am seeing just the default four apps.
@anand h Couple of things to clarify. The "Metrics" tab isn't really the OTLP metrics exported from application. This page contains the metrics generated from trace data. And Only applications with span kind server are show here in this tab but traces tab contains all of them. Is it possible for you yo share the response payload of individual trace of myApp?
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Metrics tab is a bit misleading of a name, its more like the service tab which is created from the traces from what I understand. To access metrics outside of that page you can create dashboards and need to know the metric name
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@Alexei Zenin Understood. I think I have confused signoz metrics with OpenTelemetry Metrics.
thanks @Alexei Zenin for helping Anand on this. Your point is right, the tab names are a but confusing currently. I have added an issues for the same https://github.com/SigNoz/signoz/issues/1249
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