and documentation will help…
# support
and documentation will help…
Hey @Satyasanjibani Rautaray 👋 Welcome to the community 🎉 You can refer to this K8s infra metrics tutorial: You would have to replace
<IP of machine hosting SigNoz>
with IP of instance where you have installed SigNoz.. Also, make sure that it is accessible by K8s cluster. For the application running in the K8s, you could either directly send metrics/traces data to SigNoz OTel collector. Or send it to the OTel Collector DemonSet running on the node of the same K8s cluster (after following above tutorial) which would forward it SigNoz.
Thanks will tryout this…
Hi @Prashant Shahi unable to get the kubernetes matrics with below error
Copy code
2022-06-10T08:41:32.868Z	error	scraperhelper/scrapercontroller.go:198	Error scraping metrics	{"kind": "receiver", "name": "kubeletstats", "error": "Get \"<https://bhartimatrix03:10250/stats/summary>\": dial tcp: lookup bhartimatrix03 on no such host", "scraper": "kubeletstats"}
the above errors are in all PODs of agent
@Satyasanjibani Rautaray Just tested it in EKS cluster! Can you make sure that SigNoz Otel OTLP endpoint is accurate and accessible? Also, you import latest dashboard JSOn from here:
got few metrics but not all
and i see its getting from one node only rather all pods from namespace
@Prashant Shahi any help?