Does anybody have experience to using OpenTelemetr...
# support
Does anybody have experience to using OpenTelemetry auto-instrumentation/agents to export data to SigNiz ? I setup OpenTelemetry operator and install autoinstrumentation in cluster, also I can see the auto-instrumentation is working but seems the mertric and trace didn't export to signoz-otel-collector. any documents or support can help ? here is testing application configuration, pls advice, thanks @Prashant Shahi @Ankit Nayan @Ankit
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C02XGC2HJG5H:Downloads ah1000259263$ k get Instrumentation -A
NAMESPACE   NAME                 AGE   ENDPOINT                                       SAMPLER                    SAMPLER ARG
bdpe-dev    my-instrumentation   17h   <http://my-release-signoz-otel-collector:4317>   parentbased_traceidratio   0.25