Hi I'm trying to send open telemetry data to signo...
# support
Hi I'm trying to send open telemetry data to signoz. I have added host details for outputs.opentelemetry and I can from telegraf side messages are being pushed. But I can't see Serive/messages in Signoz . Can any one help here.
Can you elaborate about your setup? It’s not clear what you are doing.
My telegraf.conf file is like this. I have set up SigNoz in one of my azure machines with docker. I can see in the Telegraf log that it can send messages to open collector . But I am not sure how to integrate my Telegraf with SigNoz so I can monitor my Messages
How are you verifying if the data is reached SigNoz? I see you are using the output plugin. It sends only influx metric data.
How did I verify : if I give a wrong url in service_address I see errors in Telegraf log. When I configured the correct URL then no errors in the log. Yeah i have configured Inputs also.. Basically I'm trying to send some cpu metrics to an open collector.
No, I meant in SigNoz “But I can’t see Serive/messages in Signoz”?, What were you expecting?
We can see all the services which are integrated with Signoz under Services tab right. I couldn't see my Telegraf service in Signoz . So how to integrate my Telegraf to SigNoz so I can see this as service and view the messages. Right now I cant view messages in SigNoz
SigNoz only shows the services in that from tracing data. I don’t think the output plugin send traces.
@Srikanth Chekuri Is there a way I can send metrics from influxdb to SigNoz ?
As you see my first message I have configured my Telegraf to send outputs to open telemetry .. but integrating with SigNoz is not working
First question -
But I can’t see Serive/messages in Signoz . Can any one help here.
We can see all the services which are integrated with Signoz under Services tab right. I couldn’t see my Telegraf service in Signoz .
This expectation is incorrect because the output plugin doesn’t send the traces data.
Is there a way I can send metrics from influxdb to SigNoz ?
The output plugin says it exports the metrics data. Were you not able to see the metrics when creating dashboards or alerts?
No I don't see any metrics . Can we have a quick call so I can show my setup and discuss
Sure, let’s use huddle
Thanks @Srikanth Chekuri . you resolved the issue on call ..