Hi Team
# support
Hi Team
I have a server with Signoz deploy with docker compose and I want to monitor a ec2
hey 👋
Hey Pranay
It's me again 😄
I need you support please
In my instance ec2 I have prometheus service
https://signoz.io/docs/userguide/send-metrics/#enable-a-specific-metric-receiver - you can enable host metrics receiver as show in this example
Or you can use prometheus receiver - if you have already metics coming in prometheus format - https://signoz.io/docs/userguide/send-metrics/#enable-a-prometheus-receiver
I have this
I put the ip with port 8080 to receive the metrics from my other server in the otrl-collector-metric-config.yml file of my signoz server.
But I not received any metrics
Is that IP and port accessible to SigNoz instance? Can you share the output of
curl <>
output from the instance where SigNoz is running?