hello! does signoz currently support displaying th...
# support
hello! does signoz currently support displaying the values of meters? i have a meter that's declared like this (Java):
Copy code
final var meter =

    this.sessionsGauge =
        .setDescription("Active user sessions.")
        .buildWithCallback(m -> {
i don't see anything in the signoz UI related to this meter, but i'm not sure if that's because the UI isn't showing it, or if no data is being produced for some reason...
hey @Mark Raynsford Welcome to SigNoz community! Have you checked this tutorial? - https://signoz.io/docs/tutorial/jvm-metrics/
Also this might be helpful in sending different types of metrics - https://signoz.io/docs/userguide/send-metrics/
hello! yes, i've been following the documentation as i've been manually instrumenting an application i maintain. i'm getting all other kinds of metrics that i've added, but all those came from traces inside spans
i'm just not seeing anything from meters, but it wasn't clear if i should be seeing anything from meters
looks like i need to try the console exporter to see if the meter is actually generating any data
Yes, please make sure that the metrics data is emitted to console first. That confirms if the issue is from application or SigNoz side.
ok, i've verified that metrics data is being produced and sent to signoz. i see all of the data produced by spans in the UI, but i don't see any data coming from a periodic meter (i've actually stepped through the open telemetry SDK in the debugger, and the data is sent to the signoz collector and is accepted). is it just that there's no UI to display meter values right now?
Did you correctly set up the Metrics SDK? In the absence of SDK everything is no-op and nothing gets produced.
and like i said, i am seeing metrics being collected in the debugger and sent to signoz
... do traces and metrics go to the same endpoint?
i've just noticed that there are two collectors in the output of
docker ps
i am seeing metrics being collected in the debugger and sent to signoz
Are you saying you are seeing the console output for the session metrics and they are sent to SigNoz as well?
What’s the issue then? Are you not able to query and plot them in dashboards/alerts page?
the issue is that i don't see anything related to the meter in signoz. the meter is called
, and there's nothing in the UI with this name
You metric name is
that doesn't show up either. am i searching in the wrong place?
Where are you searching?
in the Traces tab, in the Operation section
Why were you expecting the metrics to be displayed under traces and with operation attribute? They are different, please read our docs https://signoz.io/docs/userguide/manage-dashboards-and-panels/ https://signoz.io/docs/userguide/alerts-management/
i wasn't expecting it, it's just that that's the only place where anything was showing up. i've been through the documentation multiple times and never saw the term "meter" anywhere. i just assumed they'd appear in Traces because that's where all of the other data was
let me try setting up a dashboard...
ah! there we go! the
meter shows up as an option when creating a panel
thank you. it wasn't obvious i needed to do this in order to see metrics
i'm not in the habit of ignoring documentation. it wasn't clear from the UI that metrics wouldn't be shown without doing this, though